
Do you think this is bad?

by  |  earlier

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i'm only 15 years old and I went to and wrote a prisoner. we were talkin for about 3 months and then my parents found out and said that i had made a big mistake. Do you think I did? (he was convicted of eluding and drugs) PLEASE ANSWER ME ASAP!!




  1. At least your parents know about it. And if you feel really threatened have them talk to the police and they can do more to protect you. I had an online relationship with a guy for about a year and a half without anybody knowing, and i was 13. He started saying stuff that didn't make sense and it struck me wrong so i quit talking to him. I'm pretty sure he was an adult but either way, he knew my name, and the city I live in but its been a year and nothings happened. Again, at least your parents know about it, if I had gone missing they never would have known. I know that with my experiance, it was a big mistake but I survived. If you gave out any personal information, I'd tell your parents if you didn't aready do so and they should go to the police and tell them that. Another precausion is that your parents can go to your school and say "Were having some problems, so if anybody comes and says our daughter is supposed to go with them, she's not allowed." My parents did that when I was younger and since my sister was heavily into drugs they didn't want her or one of her 'friends' to come pick me up and use me for something. (I never got the whole conversation lol) Good luck and stay safe.

  2. just hope he is in prison for life.

  3. You are not only too young but also not that much mature enough to understand such people mentality. If you shall give your personal information to them then they can creat problem for you. It is better for you to hear your parents, they are very much correct. For social services you please wait for at least 5 years.

  4. yup its really bad move or  hide somewhere

  5. well im not one to think that people can't change, but even still, prison does sometimes irreparable harm to the human psyche. and that's not even accounting for his mental state before he was incarcerated. i wouldn't go as far as to say it's a mistake, but it may have been a huge risk.  

  6. did u give out your personal information?  such as your name, number or address?  if so, u might be in some trouble

    good luck

  7. Yes, you made a big mistake. Reasons:

    --- You are underage. That site should have kept you out.

    --- Convicted felons who write females are con artists and liars. You are 15 and will believe anything they say and feel sorry for them. This is what they want.

    --- If this guy gets out, he will be very interested in burglarizing your parents' home, if you gave him your address, name, or phone #.

    UPDATE: Please tell your parents immediately that he has your name and address!!!! They need to know.

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