
Do you think time travel exist?

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Do you think people have already time traveled and do you know of any information or articles on it?




  1. I would like to believe anything is possible, but I do not know. Sometimes we get a little feeling of deja vu.... like we have experienced something before.... little hints of either a previous life or maybe even time travel - who knows?

    I found some interesting reading on time travel and its possibility - follow the links:

    I hope this helps!

  2. Possibly  

  3. hmm not sure. but i dont really see why it cant exist.  

  4. Yes it does !

    Lots of love,

    your great, great, great grandson !

  5. sure don't, time isn't a real thing, its a human invented idea

  6. No, if it exists then we would be overrun with people traveling from other times.   The other possibility is that it is possible but everything is destroyed in the future cutting down on the number of time-travel-tourists.  

  7. Only in ones mind and in a persons dreams.

  8. Time travel is completely possible but not practical currently.  

    Remind me in 30 years to return to this time and better answer your question.  Thanks.

  9. Time travel seems to be impossible within our knowledge of physics.

  10. Sure it exists, why would they make the "Back to the Future" movies if it wasn't real ?  

  11. We cannot travel backwards in time - this would necessitate faster-than-light travel, which is impossible. Travelling forwards in time is possible, given that everyone does it at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, every day.

  12. idon't think so

  13. I am unaware of any humans that have time travelled.  If they could, it would pose peril to them and to us - so it's unlikely.

    Of course we can assume that we do travel forward in time constantly.  And by travelling closer to light speed, we can slow down the passing of time for ourselves, thus travelling into the future and aging slower.

    Travelling backwards in time is unlikley - though some speculate that Hawking radiation could represent particles traveling backwards in time out of a black hole.  Beyond my knowledge.

  14. of course it does!!!! your traveling to the future right now

  15. I suppose it is impossible for us , but , who knows .............

    every thing could happen , perhaps in the remote future

  16. Yes, everything exists, like, let's say they figured out how to travel through time in a hundred years, they could go back to the beginning of time, so that means that, technically, it always existed. We are also traveling through time now, just at our own, set rate, like, minutes and seconds, etc.

  17. No, cuz we would have already seen someone from the future to tell us it exsits so they can market to the largest amount of people ever lol

  18. Travelling back in time is not possible! Travelling forth is... you do it every moment.

    Let me try & explain time first... it is defined by light. Let me explain how... it takes light a little over 8 minutes to reach earth from the sun. Which means that the sunlight you witness now (which is your now) actually left sun about 8 minutes ago. Similarly when we say a star is 8 million light years away, it means what we see of it now actually happened 8 million years ago over there, and the visuals from there are reaching us now.

    So while you cannot travel back in time, what can possibly happen, is that if we ever find a way to make information & us travel faster than light, we can move away from earth at that speed and then look back at earth using rays which can travel faster than light, we can possibly see life going backwards in time, but then that is only going to be like watching a movie played in reverse. The movie would still be going in the same linear direction that we call future.

    Interestingly, this also means that if there is some alien sitting 65 million light years away from us and is watching earth right now, he will see dinosaurs & not the life as it exists today.

  19. Time travel hasn't been invented, certainly.  IF time travel is possible, and it's invented sometime in the future, then yes it probably has happened already--in that someone with the technology has probably traveled to the past at some point.

  20. i do not belive in time travel. to time travel, you must be next to an incredibly dense, but large object (such as a black hole) that slows time around it. after standing to the incredibly dense mass, you return to a place where time runs as you normally would experience it, you would find yourself in the 'future'. there is no possible way as of now to create such an object that could lie on earth peacefully or have the object prevent distortion of the space around it.

    the only time traveling anyone could possibly accomplish as of now, is the normal 60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour... you get the point.

  21. it is certainly possible, but the thing is you can only travel back in time to no earlier than the time machine was invented. so no travelling back to the middle ages, i'm sorry to say.  

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