
Do you tip at a buffet?

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Do you tip at a buffet?




  1. Well, If it the kind of buffet where you serve yourself then we don't usually leave a tip. If it is a buffet where someone serves you. Give a tip

  2. If they collect our plates and get us drinks, I tip 10%.

  3. Yes, you tip your waiter. They brought you drinks and cleared your used plates.  You don't have to tip the standard 15-20% tho.  We tip a couple of bucks.

  4. you can but i don"t think it is done

  5. Yes, of course!  At least $1 per person in your party ... think about it, you're not going to even miss it.

  6. Yes, if there is wait staff that gets your beverage.

  7. no cuz they arent serving you

  8. If the waitress brings you plates and drinks then tip. I am a waitress and you would not believe the people who dont tip. Even a  big party's 20 people left $6.35 . and they wanted for noting.

  9. Yes' if there is a waitress that gets your drink' if not there is a busier

  10. yes. with tootsie pops

  11. Yes, especially if you get table service; ie: water, coffee re-fils etc.

  12. yes i tip at buffets,they keep your drinks refilled.

  13. not at a casino , otherwise yes

  14. You should always tip at a buffet if you are still being served drinks or your table is being cleared. The waiters rely upon tips as part of their income. The standard rate we use is $1 per person at the table, unless the server is gives excellent (fast and accurate) service and makes sure your empty plates are removed promptly, and then you might want to tip a little more.

    Some of the buffets also have cooked items to order (omelets, hamburgers, steaks) and these can be tipped also for fast service. There may not be tip jars at their station, but you can tip if you feel their service merited at tip.

    Also, if you see a busser really hustling or that does something for you (gets you new silverware, cleans up a spill) then tip him directly. He only gets a portion of what the table servers get tipped, and often has to work harder than the servers.

  15. In MI you always tip at buffet no matter what kind they are, unfortunately most people don't know that.  The people that work at buffets only get paid 3.50 an hour plus tip.  I didn't know that until I worked at one!

  16. Yes! Think of it this way, if you worked at the buffet would you like a tip, a Yeh, DUH!!!

  17. only if they have given table service

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