
Do you use Cloth Dippers?

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I really want to use cloth dippers. What type do you use? Do you like them better then disposables?




  1. No i dont, i really just dont like the whole idea a s much as i do love the planet its just one thing i couldn't do. SORRY. But my mum used them with us kids and loved them you can just get the nice plain cotton white ones from target quite cheap and you ll maybe 4 dozen.

  2. yes i do. I use fleece lined hemp nappies as I find them the best for protecting babies skin and absorbency. I recommend you start off with flat terries or some prefolds, as even if you do not stick with these in the end they are great as boosters, cloths to wipe up sick and pee (from the floor etc not the babies face!), and for laying baby on whilst doing a nappy change to absorb any pee's. The main reason I don't recommend getting any shaped nappies before the baby is born is that there are so many types and every baby is shaped differently. you could spend a fortune on ones that don't fit or you just don't like. depending on where you live there are ways to try out nappy types before you commit to buying lots. look online to see whats available in your country. In the uk we have real nappy advisers who often have library kits you can borrow and try out. alternatively you can buy trial packs of different types you like the look of, or look for second hand nappy sites as these are great for getting nappies cheaply to try out, and you can resell what you don't like!

    as a guide try this site

    but there are lots of sites out there to check out.

  3. yes i use cloth canningvale is the brand get three dozen that seems to be enough for me  

  4. nope I dont use them, exceppt for in the hospital.  Just because I dont have time to wash poopie out of diapers and such, but if you choose them go for it!  The first little while your baby is home they can p**p 8 or more times a day, so you will want enough for a few days at least, maybe 25???  There are services that are around $60-$70 a mth that will bring you more and take the old ones away and wash them!  You could look into that if you wanted.

  5. I use cloth and I love them!  I can't stand disposables.

    With my first two babies I used prefolds.  Unfortunately for us, most of them were the Gerber prefolds from Walmart which are terrible.  Diaper Service Quality prefolds are great, though.  And with a Snappi they aren't hard to use and you don't have to worry about stabbing your little one with a pin.

    With my third baby I branched out to fitteds, pockets, and All In Ones.  I think they're easier, but a lot of people still prefer prefolds, so it's just a matter of personal preference, I guess.  Prefolds and flats are definitely the cheapest way to go.  You could start out with those then use the money you save to gradually buy a stash of the more expensive diapers.

    I like prefolds and fitteds with wool soakers and longies (which are cheap to make yourself using free patterns online if you can knit or crochet), fleece pockets like Green Acre Designs (GADs), or any side-snapping diaper with elastic in the front because they fit my fat baby really well.  I like Kissaluvs because they fasten below the belly bulge (like a bikini) which is also nice if your baby is chubby.

    I'm pregnant with my fourth baby and this time around I'll be using newborn DSQ prefolds and Kissaluv size 0, their newborn diapers, which I've never personally used but everyone says they really do fit a newborn.  You can see pictures on their website.  Once he outgrows the newborn diapers I have more prefolds, plus a few bumGenius one size dipes.  And of course I have FuzziBunz.  I think just about everyone does. :-)

    You can find out everything you need about cloth diapers at The Diaper Jungle.

    You can also go to the forums at and and ask whatever you need to know.  You can also buy used diapers there, and then sell them when you're done with them.

    If you come across a diaper that you think you'll like, read a review at Diaper Pin.

    Enjoy your shopping. :-)

  6. There is bumkins, peapods, bumgenius. Lots of new modern ones to look into. Just google it and you will find all sorts, then it is up to you to choose which ones you think look best for you.

    I don't use any at the moment, but I liked the look of the peapods. Just haven't got around to buying any - they have a big upfront cost.

    Good luck with it if its what you decide in the end.

  7. Yes, I switched over in April and I'm hooked!!!  :)  It's not hard at all.  I recommend trying the BumGenius 3.0s; they are so easy and a great starter diaper.  Now that I'm more confident I want to try other types too, like prefolds and fitteds with wool covers.

    My main site I buy from is CottonBabies, but I recently bought from Abby's Lane and CutiesnCotton.  

    I currently have 12, but I also started late.  If I had used them from birth I'd have at least 2 dozen probably closer to 3.  

    I highly recommend cloth!  My three main reasons:

    **Better for your baby (no yucky dangerous dioxin from the bleaching in disposables!!)

    **Better for the environment

    ***Better for your budget!!

  8. Yes i do.

    I use both the old fashioned fold-your-own terrytowel style nappy and the modern cloth nappies.

    I do actually like them alot more than the disposables.

    Alot of people who have only ever used disposables think thats its so much work to wash/dry reuse cloth nappies but honestly it doesnt take much time at all to scrap, rinse, soak and wash.

    You will need atleast 24. It depends how often you do laundry. If you do it every second day then 24 is plenty but if you want to do it every third day or so then three dozen is better. I had three dozen.

    Also there is the obvious advantages of you saving so much more money to spend on other things, and its much better for the environment too. :)

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