
Do your belive in aliens?

by Guest65528  |  earlier

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Personaly, I'm not sure (kindof more on the no side), but it would be kindof dumb of me to think were the only life-forms in the universe.




  1. Absolutely. In our galaxy alone there are 200 billion stars. The closest galaxy to us, Andromeda, is 2.5 million light years away. And it is twice the size of the milky way. And if you take a step back you'll see that our galaxy is part of a cluster, Virgo, containing hundreds of other galaxies. And the Virgo cluster is is just part of an even larger cluster. That's barely the tip of the ice berg in terms of the extent of the universe. It's seems extremely unlikely that there isn't a single planet in the entire universe that isn't capable of supporting life, or intelligent life if you're talking about aliens. If we are ever lucky to make contact with other intelligent life, we can expect them to be far ahead of us in terms of technology. Because we simply don't have the technology available to us now. If it were possible to go faster than light, then deep space travel may be possible, but so far we can't quite get there. So we'll just have to hope that somewhere in the universe, some other form of intelligent life will come and find us. But definitely, I think there are beings out there asking the same question right now :)

  2. Yes.

  3. No, the earth is special because God created human life here. It's not impossible that there's any type of bug like creatures, but there's no other inteligent life.

  4. i think life as we call it (growing,consuming, dying,...,) only exist on earth. yes i do think that the human race is that special.  i think jupiter, saturn,..., are  there just because it is helpful for life on earth. i think the order is so enormous it may appear to some as chaotic.

  5. yes ofcourse!!!but ..u cant expect thm to drink water ,breathe air and have a body temperature of 37 degrees celsius.May be there are planets on which lifeorms exist,havin a body temp of 100 degrees,drink ammonia  and breathe methane!!

  6. Perhaps we are the real aliens!  Well, nevermind that if you live in NY or L.A .

  7. I do belive that there are aliens somewhere but I am very sceptable about the idea of them being here or been here on eath through. There are and infinate  amount of planets in the universe so with that we can't be the only intelligent life. It's mathmaitcally impossible.


  9. i dont know.. with area 51 and all, it kinda makes you think there really are aliens, cause theres been stuff going on around there related to aliens.. i guess we'll never know until area 51 decides to tell the public what they're hiding in there.

  10. No.  We would have some evidence by now; Clear evidence.

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