
Doctor Who '09 Theories?

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Just say what you think will happen within the next year and a half. I'm trying to gather theories.




  1. I absolutely concur with Who's Your Doctor - I dread the return of Jenny and would be delighted to never encounter River Song again. But the Master was a riot - he would be an absolute infusion of energy to the show. I hope Simm returns!

    It would be nice to have just a flash of what Rose and Doctor 10.5 are doing or how they're holding together because I cannot imagine the Doctor being happy as a quasi-human, Earth-bound and aging, but Rose was Davies' favorite so I doubt that will happen, unfortunately.

    No word on who the new companion will be, is there? I'm so going to miss Donna...

  2. love david tennant,i dont have a theory as yet,but my boys will,we love the get back to you,il go ask my boys!

  3. I think your almost certainly right about Tennant, and probably right about River Song as well. Rumour has it that David Tennant's new £1.3 million contract with the BBC is for up to 3 years, although both Tennant and the BBC are remaining tight lipped about it for the moment.

    Steven Moffat made an interesting comment at the Comics Con in the US last month regarding River Song, however. He said that the Doctor would definitely see River Song again, but that doesn't mean that viewers necessarily will. So looks like he's either keeping his options open regarding the character, or simply doesn't want to give too much away.

    There are some interesting rumours flying around about the 2009 specials as well, although they don't start filming them until mid-January. It was reported in the press recently that Georgia Moffett has signed up to appear in one of them as Jenny, although this has not been officially confirmed.

    Other rumoured appearances are from Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor (apparently he was seen having a working lunch with RTD earlier in the year); John Simm as the Master (unlikely since RTD has said he wouldn't return while he was in charge. Then again he's lied before); and the most likely one - the return of the Sea Devils and / or the Silurians

    Another rumour I've heard, which I really hope isn't true, is that the first 2009 special will be in April, the second will be the 2009 Christmas special, and the third and fourth will be a two part story to be shown in the week between Christmas and New Year. That just doesn't make much sense to me. Why show one in April, then three within a week at the end of December? I think,  and hope, it's much more likely that they'll be spread relatively evenly through the year at bank holidays.

  4. He meets the Cybermen again in 'Ghosts of the Machines'

    He will meet his daughter once again

    And that's all I know, but I have only seen 8 episodes of series 4 because of the ABC's delayed coverage and I am seriously lacking in knowlege of River Song so

    River Song may return

    And it MAY (I don't know) be made into a movie, oh boy that would ROCK!

  5. I love David Tennant, but I truly thought that Dr. Who was starting to regenerate at the end of the last episode.  

  6. I predict more Time Lords........... and lots of resulting angst ; )

    But I think you're right about David Tennant staying as the Doctor in series 5 and spending some time with River Song.

  7. Well no Rose :(

    I hope his companion is good enough for him.  Cybormen will return (scary)

    I love the new Who as well as being fit he has the Docs energy.

    Captain Jack is mine lol :P

  8. He'll meet his daughter again.

    He'll meet River again.

    The Daleks will be back... AGAIN... somehow.

    A classic series villain or two will reemerge.

    He'll go through more than one assistant in that short time-span.

    He'll meet a future version of himself.

    That's all I've got.

  9. I'm not bothering with theories for the next two years really because I don't really want to see Jenny or River return. I would however love to see the Master return in John Simm form.  

  10. I've heard that next year there will be three special episodes instead of the usual 13 episode format, then in 2010 theres a proper season which is when I think david will be leaving

  11. well actually theres one on at christmas

    i think itll be the last series that david tennants in:(

    he only signed a four series contract so this is his last.

    &sorry i dont have a theory

    i want to wait it out

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