
Doctor check up question!?

by  |  earlier

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hi there

i am 15 gonig to be 16 in september

and i jsut wanted to no if when you go for your doctor check up do they what to see how everything is developing? like my p***s and balls?

do they want me to show them anything or do i have to get naked??

please fill me in on details!

thanks i will pick best answers

take care




  1. not for a health check up...but for a physical u will have to drop you pants and underwear don't worry they are not going to judge ur because the size they see p***s' all the time

  2. Different doctor visits go different ways. There is a good chance you will have to get naked for a short part of the exam, though you will not be for most of it.

    No matter what, your doctor is a professional who has done this plenty of times. There's nothing to worry about.

  3. He/she will check the regular hings;hearing sight,reflexes blood pressure,height weight.And you have to do the cough test:without you underwear :to make sure if you have no hernia. there.And some more question will be asked about your health in general.

    It is no big deal:no need to be embarrassed :they have seen it all before:Space


  4. Bro, chill. He/she is a doctor. They're used to this kind of thing. They wont judge you an theyre probably not that fond of touching your balls and d**k as much as you are. You wont have to get naked tho you might have to drop your pants when/if they touch it or lift up your shirt when they hear your heartbeat. Be a man a get it over with.

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