
Does All Household Water Contain Chlorine?

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I've read about this online but can only find info on US sites. Is all water in the UK sanitized with chlorine or other harmful chemicals?




  1. Some places use ozone instead.

  2. Yes.  If you are on the mains, it has chlorine.

  3. If you've got room and a little knowhow, install a catchment system to save rainwater off your roof.    3000 miles of open ocean should give you clean rain as long as you keep the birds off the roof.   Best water I've ever found for everything but drinking.

  4. yes. unless you have well water.

  5. This may NOT be a chlorine problem.  There is a thing called hard water which is others chemicals that are in the water.  Hard water can even come out of well water.  Sometimes this is shown by scaly deposits on the bathtub or even rust stains.  You can get a system to help remove the hardness from the water.  Google hard water and see what you get, this might help.

  6. If you live in a city of course your drinking water has chlorine inside. However it (Chlorine) evaporates as time pass, not all the chlorine but a considerable quantity.

  7. It does when it comes out of the tap, but if left to stand, the chlorine will evaporate out.  Also, you can collect rainwater for some purposes, though not drinking or cooking unless you either irradiate it with ultraviolet light or use iodine sterilising tablets first (or boil it for a while, which wastes energy).

  8. I think it all is for the reason of killing germs,etc. You need a filter system on your water line or a Britta Filter.

  9. God I hope so.  I won't drink the water in the UK if it doesn't.  That "harmful chemical" is what helps stem the cholera and typhus epidemics, and other diseases, that too often live where that chemical isn't.

    Would you like to be back where your ancestors were, dying by the truckloads.  Worse yet, particularly with cholera, watching your babies die by the truckloads.

    We know more now and with better hygiene and inoculations, where necessary, epidemics can be limited.  It's ridiculous to do that, and sacrifice lives, because some kooks panic at the word "chemical."

    Stop listening to insane people who don't know their butt from a hole in the ground.  They are people who have keywords like "chemical" or "nuclear" that shut off their reasoning processes while they run off into a babbling rant about "natural" ways.

    They're right about one thing.  Cholera and typhus are natural.

  10. thanks to chlorine in your water you haven't gotten cholera or any of the other diseases common in places where water is not treated.

  11. Yes, your tap water will have chlorine in it. Chlorine is not a harmful chemical when given in the small doses that your water company provides.

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