
Does Anyone make Biodiesel?

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im just looking for someone in my area (Corning, NY) that makes biodiesel and is willing to sell some by the barrals? there is no service station yet in my area that sells it and $3.60 is getting to be a pain for ULSDF "Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel."




  1. it is better to make it yourself. check it is a good resource, if you like get the following book: From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank by Joshua Tickell. It tells you how to make bio diesel, how to run a diesel on a mix of kerosene and veg oil and how to run on undiluted veg oil. That is how I run my Schoolbus, which also is my home and veg oil works great. I have got a lot of free miles without polluting as much. as far as taxes are concerned, state laws vary and if you make your own bio diesel at home no one will know if it is storebought and the taxes are paid.


  3. no they do not make any biodiesel from it

  4. You are probably not going to find anyone to sell you biodiesel.  

    Laws varry state by state, and some states are going to take more than their share of the taxes....and of course their is also the Federal Government who gets a bit of fuel tax.

    We grow rapeseed (canola) and make our own biofuel.  We only use it for the "on farm" vehicles.  These vehicles NEVER leave our land.  

    Otherwise, you have start putting up a lot of money to cover things like road taxes, ect.  Every part of the Government wants a chunk of money from you....local county, state, and federal will all take a bite out of you for fuel taxes.

    People that are making their own biodiesel and driving on the road with it usually keep their mouth shut, since the IRS would come down on them like a ton of bricks for taxes.

    You can make all the alternative fuels you want for your vehicles, as long as you only drive them on your own property.

    Better start checking your states laws.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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