
Does Birth control work 100%?

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Im going to take birth control (I dont know which kind yet) suggestions maybe? also are they really 100% affective?




  1. No they are not 100%. The ONLY thing that is 100% is NOT having s*x at all.

  2. I think its 98% effective

  3. No birth control is 100% effective.  The pill is about 99.99% effective though, so there is a very slim chance of still getting pregnant.  But like I said, very slim.

  4. its always 99.9% effective

  5. Absolutely not.  Nothing except abstence (not having s*x) is 100%.

  6. It's about 99% for 1 out of every 100 people there is a chance that the pill might not always work. However, as long as its taken at the same time (at least within an hours difference) every day and you make sure that if you miss a pill or are late taking it that you use backup, you should be just fine.  

  7. Pills are typically about 98.5% effective when taken exactly as prescribed. However, there are many types of birth control which are not pills (shots, IUDs, etc)

    Really, a OB/Gyn is the best person to talk to about this.

    I have been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for a considerable amount of time, and love the low hormones. But, I am very petite and also haven't had problems with severe cramps, headaches, nausea, or acne during my menstrual cycle.

    Your physician will decide which she best thinks suits you, and will give you three months to adjust to the hormone changes before deciding if you need to change. It's somewhat trial and error.

    Good luck!

  8. NO NO NO I got pregnant using seasonal bc pill i will be having my tubes tied

  9. no..they are only 99% effective... I don't know if that means one out of 100 women get pregnant on the pill...or that you are likely to become pregnant one out of one-hundred times you engage during your normal ovulation cycle... But I conceived my second child while on the pill. Also after taking antibiotics you may become pregnant for up to two weeks after they are discontinued and (of course) during the time you are taking them.

  10. nope my g/fs sister was using birth control and a condom and she still ended up pregnant.

  11. Only abstinence is 100%.  All other types of birth control have chances to become pregnant.  But the "pill" is the closest to 100%...I think something like 99.9%.  Also remember, birth control will not prevent transmission of STDs so be smart when you're having s*x with a new partner...or else getting pregnant will be that least of your worries...

  12. not 100%

  13. i believe it's only 99.98% Effective

  14. The only guaranteed thing is the word no. You can be pregnant using any birth control if you don't either take or use it properly.

  15. no, some 99.9%

  16. idk

  17. The shot works like 98% and lasts 3 months. The regular pill is 99.9% accurate and you have to take it every day. There are several others (pills mostly) like Ortho Tri Cyclen that last longer but have side effects and are as effective as the regular pill. DO NOT go on the patch. It has bad side effects like blood clots.

  18. Birth control pills, etc. are not 100% effective but they are in the high 90s if you remember to take them every day.  There are no kinds of temporary birth control methods that are 100%.

  19. its not 100 percent... its about 99 percent theres always that small chance of something going wrong... like if you do not take your pill on time etc.

  20. No they are not.  But if taken EXACTLY as directed, they are ~99% effective. that means no skipped or late pills for the most effective results

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