
Does God exist is the question?

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Some say that God does not exist but have they tried looking for Him?

have they tasted to see how sweet it is to be a Christian?

do they not know the goodness of God?

I have no idea why they do not love Jesus like I do/




  1. Causation. God provides the best explanation for the existence of the universe and all that's in it. (The alternative theory is that "nothing" exploded and resulted in everything that we see.)

    Order. God provides the best explanation for abstract notions such as numbers, mathematical formulae, chemical-based processes, and natural laws. (The alternative theory is that the chaotic first elements ordered themselves into complex information systems.)

    Design. God provides the best explanation for the absolute complexity inherent in cosmological, stellar, planetary, chemical and biological systems. (The alternative theory is that random chance engineered apparent design.)

    Encoded Instructions. God provides the best explanation for the digital DNA code contained in and controlling the functions of all life on earth. (The alternative theory is that complex code, such as binary code running computers, can pop into existence without any kind of programming, testing and debugging process.)

    Irreducible Complexity. God provides the best explanation for fully functioning biological organisms, systems, and subsystems that couldn’t come about through gradual evolutionary process without totally ceasing to exist at lower, evolutionary levels. (The alternative theory is that biological systems took huge, unseen leaps from simple to complex without any guided process or forward-looking instructions.)

    Duality. God provides the best explanation for the separate human functions of brain and conscience (matter and mind). (The alternative theory is monism -- only matter exists and the human brain only appears to have a separate subconscious ability.)

    Morality. God provides the best explanation for the existence of love, emotion, altruism, and inherent moral/ethical values throughout the world. (The alternative theory is that unguided materialistic processes evolve higher human consciousness.)  

  2. yea, He's real. only a fool says there is no God.

    the end is near atheists, prepare yourselves

  3. I used to think I'd already found him... when I was 7.

    I used to think I could taste him.. but that turned out to just be my pillow.

    I used to think I knew the goodness of god.... until I looked around at the world.

    I have no idea why you love jesus at all.

  4. Why must we follow a higher being in order to call ourselves good people? Christians say we are mislead although there are many people who lead good lives based on faith in OURSELVES.. .  how many people follow Christianity or any religion based that is based on the fear of going to h**l or being condemned to some sort of punishment.. It's called a system of control.. we live in a time of Science and explanation and there is nothing wrong with that.. do we deserve to go to h**l for  believing so.. I think not. Perhaps there is an after life.. I believe so. I also believe not everyone needs to taste the sweetness of being a Christian.

  5. We aren't allowed to say "no," but I'll say "no" anyway.;...

  6. There is no evidence to support the existence of any god.

    Some say that god does not exist, and they have tried to look for him.

    Anyone can see how it is to be christian, by observing the behavior of christians on this forum.  I would not characterize that as being sweet.

    They do not love Jesus like you do, because they do not believe in his existence.  

  7. I would believe. . . . if he existed.

  8. To "The fool says there is no God" who said: "it is either, ignorance, pride, stubbornness and hatred is what prevents them from believing in God.. they have those type of qualities"

    I have said NOTHING negative about Christians my entire time on Yahoo!Answers [about 2 years] and I'M the Atheist. How do you expect to get others to switch to your faith when you're bad mouthing people like me just because we're different? Learn some freaking manners.

    What's that verse? Oh yeah, Matthew 1:7.

  9. If you look at it logically he does not

    however just because you don't agree doesn't make your decision illogical

    Many have their own reasons for believing, personal experience or like me finding a faith that just fits and not worrying about it being right or wrong as long as I’m a good person.

    I was atheist for a long, long time and I’m happy I left even though if you look at all the facts it’s unlikely I’m right.


    Well as I said before: how you act is more important then what you believe (and shoving what you believe in others face’s is part of how you act), after all if I’m wrong what’s the worst that would happen? I would have lived a good life doing what I believed to be right without getting in the way of others, is that so bad?

  10. "yea, He's real. only a fool says there is no God.

    the end is near atheists, prepare yourselves

    Typical christian bullshit.

  11. yes God does exist.  look at your self then look at this world.  God made it and he made you.  look and the biggest or the smallest trees. God mad them.  Look at your self God have you the breath and the blood that runs in your body.  God made man, that can go to the moon. God is good.  look at your parents and look at yourself. it is more than genes.  god has bless you to live this long to receive this mail.  their is a God  

  12. There is no god

  13. Remember this Jesus once said, now of course we know Jesus is God it says so in the bible look it up. He said remember what they do unto you they did this to me first. So in this case do not worry so much for the people that spit in our faces because we preach the good word remember that they did this to God first, him being God okay! Jesus once said that if they did not believe Moses and the prophets what makes you believe that they will even believe someone even if he rises from the dead? He was talking about himself of course. God Bless, good question, Good Question.

  14. Yes I have, he didn't answer, I didn't see him.

    I don't taste him either.

    Therefore he isn't real.

  15. You seem to completely disregard to the high percentage of atheists who were once Christians (or of some other faith).

    That said, any number of fairy tales can be "sweet."  That does not make them correct.

    Edit: Dawn, you need to visit the Creationist Claims section.  Everything in your post has been debunked thoroughly and repeatedly.

  16. Is your question about God or Jesus, or do you think they are one and the same?

  17. I love the world and the universe as it really is, the truth is wonderful enough for me, but I'm glad if your happy:)

  18. Been there done that. My life is much better without delusions now.

    Real life. This is the good stuff baby.

  19. I searched for God, I truly did.  I wanted to believe, but found nothing.  

  20. *drinks*;...

  21. because unbelievers are a minority, and they're the reasons why they don't believe in God...the problem is within them, it has nothing to do with lack of evidence.. the evidence is obvious in which they are so fast to is either, ignorance, pride, stubbornness and hatred is what prevents them from believing in God.. they have those type of qualities

  22. To each his own.

  23. Have you inhaled the fresh air of reason? Do you know how lucky you are to live in the age of rationalism? I have no idea why you need to carry the dreadful cargo of the dark ages..

  24. Oh my gosh! I love him. People that are not Christians: How can you not be Christians? Have you tried it? Oh sure! You may say you have! Whatever! Have you really accepted him? NO! I applaud all of you that are truly Christians. We know what they are missing. If you agree with me, please say so. I need to know. I am a campus missionary for the appilachaun district. I need to know how I am doing. I do actually know the sweetness of God. It is amazing! Please think of this. Consider it. Please. If you have any questions, please ask me! Thanks for reading this! Jesus loves ALL of you!

    In Christ,


  25. God is a necessary illusion for the masses. Without the illusion of God and the threat of punishment after death the world would be a lot worse off.  

  26. “The fool says, There is no God.”


    “If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you.  If you were of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of this world, but I have chosen you out of this world, therefore the world hates you.”


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