
Does HSBC employ ...?

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only punjabi speaking people or are the offices abroad?Have you tried to understand them?I actually nearly cried once, couldn't get a word, couldn't solve the problem with the office credit card machine.




  1. I understand your sense of frustration.

    I go back a long way - decades of 'contact' with what used to be the Hong-Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation - originally trading in the Far East - but which switched its registered office to London - as the British lease of Hong-Kong expired.

    Now trading as HSBC - this global mogul advertises itself - somewhat laughably (infuriatingly) as the local 'village' bank.

    Which isn't amusing - if you find yourself trying to communicate with a high-pitched voiced Indian screeching insensible noises at you over the telephone.

    They are not alone - the out-sourcing of jobs to India - and those with less than a good command of English is widespread these days - as the moguls cut employee costs, by exporting the jobs abroad - with little or no regard to their 'customer care' claims.

    What I usually do is tell the screeching minky to shut up - and put me through to his or her boss - someone higher up the ladder.

    Someone who can speak comprehensible English - and save me aggravation.

    Works well - there's usually a very articulate local on hand to deal with the problem - but you need to be firm.

  2. I think you'll probably find they are Gujarati speaking..hehe

    if you speak slowly there is no problem, although I hate how they say "hi my name is kevin / mary" etc when it's obviously not.

  3. I agree with "La Frogette" only here in Canada I would suggest A "Credit Union" , if not than Bank of Nova Scotia, Royal Bank Of Canada or some other Canadian bank.

  4. it would seem that some banks go for the cheap option

    it was the same with my previous car insurer - the person was not english and did not recognise the difference between a peugeot 206 cc and a car with a 206cc engine - it took too long to explain and i'm sure i paid too much for this insurance

    i changed companies and maybe you should consider doing the same and perhaps choosing a bank with call centres in UK

  5. Switch to Lloyds , HBOS or Natwest Group then. All their call centers are UK based.

    ALWAYS buy British.

    Hong-Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) is not in that category.

  6. Equally I have talked to people in call centres based in Glasgow and had trouble understanding what they were saying.

  7. I have ZERO patience with people that I cannot understand. More than once I have asked to talk to someone who speaks comprehensible English.

  8. Use a proper bank.

  9. I have the same problem with HSBC and also with SKY TV. so I just say dont bother, send me a curry round.

  10. Welcome to the wonderful world of the Indian Call Centre.....

    They are much cheaper than the British one's and annoy your customers more, I once spent two hours trying to get a simple transfer problem sorted out, and had to actually threaten to kill the poor girl at the other end, before her supervisor came on to help me.....
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