
Does Hematite really heal?

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I was told in a psychic that i should get a hematite necklace because it would keep ppl from draining my energy...and i also heard it heals...but does it really heal and relieve you from negativity? And is there a difference between magnetic hematite and hematite or are they the same thing?




  1. Unfortunately, no. Magnetic "cures" have been sold for over a century with no proof of healing powers.

  2. As usual SkepDoc is absolutely correct.

  3. Well, I'm a Pagan and I've been told and believe that for anything to work you have to want it to and believe it will.  I've been wearing a hematite pendant for several months after some major health issues, and it does seem to help, though it can hinder if you're negative.

  4. Magnetism, at least the very small amount of magnetism present in such a necklace would do absolutely nothing to a human body.

    An extremely extremely strong magnet could harm you, but the strength would have to be astronomical.

    For something this small and weak - absolutely nothing will happen good or bad, except that you might experience the placebo effect if you believe it will help you.

    All of the "magical" cures that one sees around today are simply abusing the placebo effect.

  5. Well, I'm sure a psychic wouldn't make something up, or believe in something ludicrous now, would they?

    Sarcasm aside...while magnets have been touted for 100's of years,(Mesmer, DD Palmer who invented chiropractic, Parselsus)  there is no evidence of any effect on healing.

    The claim is usually made that the magnet acts on the iron in the hemoglobin molecule and draws the redblood cells to the injured area to stimulate healing.  


    -the form of iron in the hemoglobin molecule is non-magnetic.(oops)

    -if actually true, simply by putting a magnet up to your skin should make it red and if you put a heat source or rubbed it.  Try this at home...nothing happens

    -the gauss field of the typical magnets sold for "healing" purposes extends about 1 mm beyond the magnet.  About the thickness of a piece of several pieces of paper, therefore it can't even penetrate the skin. (see how many pieces of paper you can hold up with a fridge magnet before it falls)  The field drops off by 1 over the square of the distance. (basic physics..look it up)  In those  strapon wrist and knee gadgets they sell, the magnetic field won't even penetrate the fabric that holds the magnet

    -if little magnets can draw blood to the skin surface, then big magnets should have an even greater effect.  But an MRI is just a giant magnet with a field thousands of times stronger than the earth magnets sold over the internet.  I haven't heard of anybody having the blood sucked out of their body or turning red from having an MRI

    -there isn't a single credible study ever done that shows any effect at all beyond the usual Alt Med endpoints "feels good" and "more relaxed".  (Pet your dog folks...the effect is the same and you'll be helping another creature in return!)

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