
Does Iraq border Pakistan?

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I'm doing a report from school and according to my research it doesn't, but today I was watching a video of an interview John McCain did and he clearly said that there was a conflict on the Iraq-Pakistan border.

Here's the video:

John McCain is really intelligent, so surely this must be correct...

So is it?




  1. no it doesnt the countries that border pakistan are afghanistan india and iran kinda

    ahahaha john mcain is a old f**t what a dumb ASSS

  2. No..

  3. No it doesn't. Because it's too far from Iraq. And Pakistan is bordered to India and Afghanistan.

  4. no pakistan borders iran though, pakistan only borders china, india, afghanistan, iran

  5. Why don't you look at a map and see for yourself?

    <<John McCain is really intelligent, so surely this must be correct...>>

    I've no idea who he is, but that's not important.  An argument like that is known as an appeal to authority: "He said it, he's clever, therefore what he said must be correct".  As the only people on Earth who never make mistakes are all dead, simply accepting something as correct because John Such-and-Such says so isn't the best source you can find.  Checking a map would be much better.

  6. no

  7. no but Afghanistan does

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