
Does Jessica Alba really have herpes??

by  |  earlier

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or is that just another dumb rumor?




  1. your words: DUMB RUMOR

    do you have to believe everything the media says?

    and if she did i think thats her problem, not yours.

  2. No.

    Does the Jonas Brothers have AIDS...?

  3. Dammit.Now I gotta get checked.Thanks a lot Jessica.

  4. why are so many people obsessed with the personal lives of celebrities?

  5. Hey! It's just another one of those rumors and I know, people need to chill b/c you just wanted to know, that's why you asked!!

  6. I don't know, but she could be Rachel Canada...haha...get it.  

  7. I'm sure it's a rumor, started by someone who is jealous because Jessica Alba is beautiful.

  8. d**n straight, a friend of a friend told me.

  9. I don't think so. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would sleep around.

  10. herpies could be ne thing like a fever blister or cankersore you know!! but probably a rumor people will do ne thing to get money these days!

  11. Its one of those burning(har har) questions that shall never be answered.Unless of course society arranges something like the "scarlett letter" setup  and we're all forced to go around wearing giant signs on our bodies revealing our most personal information. Honestly-its not relevent to you or I unless we're planning on gettin' cozy with her. But I admit - it would be a juicy bit of gossip if she ever decided to address the issue!!

  12. Rumor. Even if she did, it is her business.

  13. nobody knows except her and her lover. but im sure its just a rumor.


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