
Does Kohl's Drug Screen?

by  |  earlier

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I got hired overnight freight, i quit smoking reefer for a while but i thought i wasn't gonna get the job so i smoked yesterday now i have orientation I was wondering if they did drug screen, and if they did for you was it before orientation or after? (DO NOT LECTURE ME & DONT ANSWER IF YOU NEVER WORKED THERE KEEP YOUR POINT WHORING @SS MOVING)




  1. Oh yeah, you will have to take a urine test after the orientation.

  2. well after the orientation they send me to a drug test, but all it was

    is a urine test, so does your question mean that yousmoked what?

    pot or something, because cigarrete I dont think that matters to them

    but yea if you someked something else that would surely come up

    the next day.

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