
Does McCain follow ALAH ?

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I am hearing more and more about MAnchurian Mccain and how he plans to join Palin in ALAH (the Alaskan Liberation Alliance Homefront)

To do this he is supposed to adopt an un-planned out of wedlock child from a teenager that had s*x with an adult.




  1. Palin has always been a Republican. She may know people who were involved in the separatist movement, but that's really inconsequential.

  2. No. He is a Zionist. Just another puppet that calls everyone muslim a terrorist and gets really upset if you ever question Israel.

    How come there are many thousands of Jews that live peacefully in Iran if every muslim is evil?

    Watch the thumbs down

  3. Not surprised

  4. I don't know about this post. I am an Obama supporter and I really want to leave Palin's daughter out of this conversation. We have more than enough to talk about with Palin and the Bush/McCain falled policies.

  5. I'm hearing Barry will cosponsor  Biden into the Weather Underground and to do this all Biden has to do is sell crack on a street corner

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