
Does Nature 'punish' ignorance?

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Does Nature 'punish' ignorance?




  1. Yes dear, I have been naturally punished for many times..^^

    Yet for a while I wonder if nature had caused my ignorance.  Will I punish too? Now, that sounds ignorance again.

    Maybe I am nature and, the fruit of ignorance is the punishment. (Oooh Ouch,,)  sigh..

  2. Indeed NOT.  Ignorance punishes itself.  

  3. not intentionally....but people who build houses near the coast????

  4. obviously.

  5. Yes. as the more u explore the better u r with nature and urself.

  6. Of course not.

    Wanna go pet the skunks now?

  7.   Yes, in a very twisted yet expected sort of way. But let us define what nature does punish, and present our response accordingly, shall we?

      I'm quite sure you have heard of the statement, "Survival of the Fittest". It is sentence that describes the living beings on Earth and how quickly they should adjust to the changing settings, climatic changes etc. or they will annihilated  (become extinct). But now the question we must ask is, "What does this have to do with Ignorance?"

      Well, the answer becomes quite clear when we think of what we, as humans, are facing right now;

                                             Global Warming

      The people who are aware of the GW's threat will take the necessary precautions when the inevitable happens but those who don't believe or who chooses to close their eyes to the matter will, most probably, be wiped out.

      So yes, in a way, Nature does punish ignorance.

  8. If so, it's not trying hard enough with us humans.  

  9. Your question is not clear.Is it the kind of 'punishment 'you are talking about where the 'sinner' gets a punishment which is not directly connected to the act.?Say for instance you cheat somebody and your child gets a disease.That is religion.No .Nature does not act that way.

  10. Nature does not punish ignorance.

    Our ignorance punishes us if it is related to things which we must not be ignorant of.

  11. Of course it does.  And its not a matter of nature being accountable for its punishment.  The reality is we are all and always accountable to nature.  If on a safari, you start petting a wild lion, you don't get away with your stupidity just because "its your first time", or "you have a wife and kids."  Nature has no mercy.  It deals out blind justice better than any human judge can.

  12. more like ignorance punishes itself by being ignorant  

  13. Ignorance punishes nature. Man is ignorant that is why he has to fight wars. Cause he doesn't know how do solve problems any other way.

    So think of all the bombs that has destroyed many forest and creatures in its path. Even bombs on movies blow up trees and any living thing around.  People in cars ignorant to surroundings run over dogs, cats, foces, ect.So i would have to say ignorance punishes nature.  

  14. Of course... being STUPID can be hazardous to your health, wealth and happiness

  15. The inherent flaw in your question is that 'nature' is an artificial concept created by mankind when the ancient Greeks first sought to differentiate themselves from everything else they perceived.  This methodology resulted in the advent of philosophy.

    However, if we may utilize the conceptual artifice, 'NATURE' with a requisite understanding commensurate with the intent of your question, I would say that NATURE CAPITALIZES UPON IGNORANCE.

    This being more of the Darwinian line of thought.

  16. Nature doesn't punish anyone - it's always as it's meant to be and cannot be held accountable but I would say that ignorance punishes itself in Nature.

    If you eat the wrong types of berries, you'll certainly feel like you're being punished for it.

  17. Man must abide harmoniously in synche with nature and the world around him, If he becomes insensitive and oblivious to his actions and their effect upon others he is paid in kind with equal measure from the world.

    Courtesy breeds courtesy, a kindness begets a kindness and wrongdoing is meted with appropriate punishment.

    The law of nature.

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