
Does Obama have any street cred?

by  |  earlier

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Saw him dancing on Ellen, and he looked like a really big dork.




  1. hey, didn't see you know you are a dork

  2. That is the coolest video! I love it....thanks!  By the way, I think he will make a great President.

  3. He's a junkie and a poof.

  4. Since he started work at 12K a year fighting for mill workers that lost their jobs, then yes, he does have street credibility.  Sorry you don't know how to spell the word "credibility."  And yes, he was AWESOME.

  5. "street cred"?  Sure. He'll have even more when he wins the election.

    2 pts

  6. He's loaded with it.   If getting a hummer in the back a limo from this dude while sucking on a crack pipe don't give you street cred than *nothing* will:

  7. See and everyone was getting mad about questions asking if Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant.... what does THIS have to do with the elections?  

  8. i thought is was kinda..'s**y'... mccain wouldnt dare dance.. he may break a hip!

  9. I think he got the dance from his mother's side.  :P

  10. Why does it matter if he has "street cred"  we dont need a gangsta running this country.. we need a grounded man who is for ALL people..

    I hate this thread, it FAILS in the highest annuls of failure...

    Infact, everyone having read this has lost 4 pts off of their IQ...

  11. Sure the fist bump with his wife Zira show he got sum funk.

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