
Does Obama speak French?

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I'm just wondering why he's making fun of Americans who can't speak french?




  1. And just WHAT did he say that poked fun at AmeriKans who can't speak French?  I wouldn't notice because I can SPEAK French... and Spanish and Creole... unlike most AmeriKans who can only speak 20 words of  Spanish and then try to convince their friends that they are fluent in the language.

  2. All he said was that it would behoove Americans to speak a second language.  It doesn't have to be French.

    I think most of us have a passing knowledge of Spanish these days anyway.

  3. Je parle francais parfaitement.

    Obama n'a aucune idee de quoi il parle.

    Je suis fiere d'etre americain.

    I don't want Obama to tax my john brown off either.

  4. No, he speaks hypocrite and BS.

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