
Does TV make kids fat

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Does TV make kids fat




  1. I dont think it does if they watch in moderation and dont sit and watch hours all day. Some people cram cookies and snacks down the childrens throats all day, this is what makes them fat. My son is 2 and he watches tv a good part of the day. Animal planet or something for children to watch so they can learn something... and he is not over weight. If you feed a child right they should not be overweight unless they have something wrong with their metbolism or something internal.

    now i they dont do anything but sit and watch tv and dont play outside. then im sure they could be come over weight. Sitting and watching tv and eating can make anyone fat. even kids!

  2. yes

  3. No that is ridiculous.Poor diets,no exercise and being lazy might have something to do with it though.

  4. Does watching TV cause childhood obesity?

    So what's the relationship between TV watching and obesity? It's not always clear. Although TV watching has been strongly correlated with obesity, it doesn't necessarily mean that TV per se causes obesity. Research suggests that TV watching can be a risk factor for childhood obesity, largely because TV can substitute for other activities.

    However, another study (Grund et al. 2001) that confirmed the connection between TV and fat suggested that, in fact, reduced activity could not fully explain the higher rates of obesity. Rather, this study linked socioeconomic status to both TV watching and obesity--in other words, both TV watching and obesity may be independent factors that are connected by a third factor such as income, parental education and knowledge of nutrition, availability of parental supervision for activity, etc.

    What we do know, though, is that whatever the reason, more TV adds up to poorer health outcomes and higher body fat levels for both kids and adults. So grab the remote, turn off the TV, and get the whole family outside!

    For more information on TV watching and childhood obesity see the following article from TheDietChannel: What Causes Childhood Obesity?

  5. only if they eat them

  6. No Bordem  does that  and then add the Tv to that and you have over weight kids and Adults .

  7. Kids don't eat TVs. Inactivity, poor diet, and lack of inspiration to engage in creative play makes kids fat. I've been a TV fanatic my whole life (37  now) and I've never been overweight. I moderate TV, eat well, and play hard.

  8. No.

    Sitting in front of it instead of going outside to play and get exercise makes them fat.

  9. Not if they don't sit in front of it for 8 hours a day stuffing their faces with chocolate and fizzy drinks

  10. no, TV has nothing to do with it..... It matters how much excercise they get

  11. Not unless the TV is radiating fat cells that get absorbed into the person's body.

    Eating junk food while watching tv endlessly is what makes people fat.

  12. No, TV does not make children fat.

    What makes children fat is when they consume more calories than they burn in a day. A sedentary child requires fewer calories than an active one: it is overeating for his/her activity level that makes a child fat.

  13. No...too many calories and junk food do that.

  14. No, sitting in front of a TV all day stuffing your face with Twinkies will make kids fat.

  15. No. I am hopelessly addicted to TV, the internet, and video games. Not to mention food. Even reading (one of my absolute favorite activities) isn't particularly healthy or active, but I do it all the time Basically all of the things that are supposed to lead to obesity, but I'm on the low end of a healthy BMI and percent body fat.

    The problem is when a person consumes more calories than their bodies use. In general, an active person will use more calories than someone sitting around reading or watching TV (I think reading still burns more calories because you have to hold the book up and turn the pages, but I think that's comparable to typing and lifting a fork, so it doesn't really count).

    Some people naturally burn more calories than others, however. I'm one of those people (though I'm sure that will all change once I have kids, I've been lucky so far, but I'm probably going to actually have to put in some effort. Oh well, it's better for my health). I lost eight pounds in one weekend because the flu prevented me from eating much more than jell-o.

    Not only that, but plenty of people who enjoy TV get exercise too. I was one of those people as well (and hope to be again soon) though I've gotten a bit lax with my daily jogs since summer started.

    Basically, watching too much television may contribute to weight gain, but it's an indirect cause, and there are plenty of ways to counteract it's effects.

  16. The TV does not sitting in front of it and eating fast food does. And then not getting off their lazy butts to go for a run or something.
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