
Does The Nahga Exists (Bushman)?

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In my culture the Bushman is a creature that hides in the bush and can shapeshift into anything. The elders say that it is very real and it can kidnap kids and turn them into the bushman itself, but every teacher I know, In the whole country, insists that its to keep kids indoors and that it isn't real. I don't believe what those teachers say, they would say anything is fake if its a culture. But every person I know in the community says it is real. Should I believe the very people who changed the Dene community? Or should I believe the people who know the bush best?




  1. I'm 1/4 Miwok (Native-American) and we have a similiar story about the Ma-yak Da-tat or "Hairy Man." Parents would tell their children not to go out at night because the Hairy Man would get them and eat them or turn them into Hairy Men as well.

    Once, when I was 12, my friends and I snuck out of the house and camped outside on a hill where the Hairy Man was supposed to live, just to prove how brave we were.

    When I woke up in the morning I was all alone and I thought the Hairy Man had taken my friends. I grabbed my sleeping bag and ran down the hill to tell my parents...but found that my friends were fine. They had all moved down the hill during the night and LEFT ME THERE BY MYSELF!!!


    this is something i have never heard of so i myself will be doing more research on it. i hope this helps you some

  3. I've heard of the nagual in Carlos Castanedas' books.  I think it's about the animus.  I think it's your shadow.  Confronting your shadow.  That sounds like it's an exaggeration to distract you from a powerful shamanistic experience.

  4. It could be one of those reptilian beings that came from out of those cave systems. Many epics like the 'Emerald Tablets of Thoth speak about Reptillian Shapeshifters that dwelled at Amenti. (Atlantis)

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