
Does This Guy Like Me Back?

by  |  earlier

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I Don't want to stereo type. but i would say I'm punk, like i like the style & music. some people call it "scene" but i don't. anyways, i like this guy, hes in 9th grade, and I'm in 8th grade. he is so totally hot, and I'm uhhh i dunno.......... he he. anyways, our parents are very good friends, and they invited my parents to a barbecue, there were many people, but he kept looking at me. i would look to him, and then i'd turn. and on the corner of my eye, i could see he was staring at me back. and now hes looking at me at school when i go to my next class. i wanted to ask him out, but i don't know him very well, and he has friends that are girls, that are much prettier, and when i was standing at the bus stop, he kept turning around to look at me.




  1. Well, yeah, if you can read the littlest of body language, it's really obvious... he likes you! Don't ask him out right away, become friends with him or you'll scare him away.

  2. You never know if you don't try.

  3. a boy that age....yeah he likes u. dont be shy. just go up and have friendly conversations and see if anything happens from there. even if ur not dating, uve got a new friend

  4. yea he deffinatly likes you, try talking to him first tho, so you can get a personality check, and then you should be good to go if that works out. but yea guys tend to do the same thing you did, stare then turn. so if he's doing that it's probably because he's interested. so i say go talk to him, maybe get his number, and set up a date.:)

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