
Does This Recipie Sound Good??

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You guys can help me with the name but so far I have the name between Chocolate Banana Peanut cookies or Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana cookies. Here is how you cook it.



1 banana , chocolate chips

cookies , chocolate syrup

peanut butter , sprinkls


Here is how you make it

Take your banana and cut it up in small pieces. First place the cookies on the plate.Put some peanut butter and spread it on the the cookies. Next put the pieces of banana on the peanut butter.The peanut butter helps the banana and the chips slay on. After you put the bananas on the peanut butter put some of the chocolate syrup and put a drop on the banana.Then put the chocolate chips around the banana and on top of it. Finaly put a pince of sprinkls on each cookie. Put them in the friege and let the sit there for 10 minutes to make the syrup and the banana cold.

P.S. This is something me and my garandmother that died thought of .So I hope you like it and can you rate it 1-10 I am only 10.




  1. I give it a 8. It sounds really good!!

  2. sounds good  sorry about your grandma

  3. sounds good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    9 1/2

  4. Hmmm.  It sounds good to me, but I think it needs something.  How about, ice cream!  Right in between the peanut butter and the bananas.  :)

  5. yum!  i give it an 8.

  6. Oh my.  cookie, peanut butter, banana, chocolate syrup, chocolate chips and then sprinkles?  You won't live to the ripe old age of 11 if you eat many of these.  Please  just eat one of these occasionally for a treat.

  7. Although it sounds un-usual, it also sounds un-usually good. I love all the ingedients. I'll have to try it. Without eating it yet, I'll rate it a 9 :)

  8. Very clever and what a nice thing to get to do with your grandma.  Enjoy them as often as you want.  I would give them a 10 and will try with my little nieces one day.  Maybe name them after your grandma, something like Grammies Choc Banana Treats.  Or Grammies Chocolate Banana Cookie Sprinkles.  Something like that.  Maybe Grammie & T's Chocolate Banana Cookies where you can add your name and her name in the name of the cookie.

  9. sounds like a good combo of tasty ingredients.  Not being mean, but a clever name for this might be something along the lines of "monkey p**p" or "monkey mix"  Kind of funny and a tad risque`

  10. The Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana cookies sound GREAT so I give it a 10!!!  

  11. Sounds like a great project to do with kids. I think I will make that with my little girl. Thanks for the idea.

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