
Does Vodka Expiry Date (SmirnOff)??

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i found a 1 litre bottle of smirn off in the attic, its been opened but the cap was put back on tightly, a quarter of it has been drunk already. its been there for a year and a half now, will it have gone off?




  1. It shouldn't be a problem.  It might taste awful and some of the alcohol might have evaporated if it got too hot or was exposed to sunlight, but it won't be any worse for you than new Smirnoff.

    Unflavored distilled spirits do not age in the bottle, and as long as they are not continually exposed to air they keep indefinitely.

  2. It should be fine.  Vodka can't really go "Bad".  When you drink it, it may be better as a mixer though.  

  3. no... it might have lost some of its alcohol content... but can't hurt you

    there is too much alcohol to have anything harm you, other than it tasting "off", it should be good.

  4. Doesn't go off.   It just isn't as "fresh" as a new bottle.  Some alcoholic content may be gone, but nothing you would notice.   The dating thing is for the stores to keep rotating their stock so that the freshest product is at the back and the older stuff gets sold off the shelf first.  Because nothing goes back to the distillery or winery.

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