
Does Windows Vista still suck?

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I'm about to buy a new laptop, and I've heard that windows vista really sucks! Unfortunately, every laptop I've seen online or at the store already has windows vista installed... and I cant just install XP, because I dont have XP installation discs!

...So my question is, just how bad does vista suck. Has it gotten a little less crappy, and is it even worth getting a laptop with vista?




  1. I feel that windows vista suck. I decided to go with a mac and I like it even better then XP and it differently much better then vista.

  2. You need to do some tinkering...I turned off UAC to avoid the "Are you sure you wanna let this run with Administrator privlages"

    I haven't gotten one of those in forever,and I'm loving Vista.

    NOTE:Don't run it on 512MBs of Ram...get ALOT of RAM

  3. Now and forever... Vista sucks.

  4. It sucks for a few reasons:

    Any given computer will run programs faster under XP than under Vista.  Conversely, you need more computer to get the same results with Vista as you did with XP.

    Security is tighter on Vista, but a) all it does for the average user is annoy and b) it doesn't stop people from destroying computers with viruses, Trojans and other mal-ware.

    If you're really familiar with XP, you'll be a little lost in Vista.  Things aren't where they used to be.

    But it works.

    BTW, another reason you won't be installing XP on a computer that came with Vista is that there's some hardware/driver incompatibilities.  It's not nice when your XP installation disk BSODs before the first user prompt.

  5. I have vista but XP is superior. Get XP if you can.

  6. I actually like my Vista.

  7. I've been using Vista since it first came out and have not had any problems.  I have never understood all the complaints.  It's a good OS.  Oh sure, there are a few things that need to be adjusted or turned off, but so does XP.  Don't worry about Vista, it works just fine.  

  8. Well, many compatibility issues were fixed with many updates, but its still a system memory hog.  It constantly uses 1 GB of my RAM for its background processes, and every time i want to open something from its EXE form, i get a "did you do this" box.  Oh, and its not good with that many older games.

  9. It's actually not bad as many people think, just not worth the upgrade if you have to pay for it. I suggest you watch this:

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