
Does Yahoo have a political agenda?

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They have Obama news on the front page every day. Hmmm...




  1. FISA was a godsend for the censoring government assisting maniacs...they are pitiful profiteers running scared from Microsoft....

    world class A holes.

  2. Yesterday I asked a question about the hyperlinks in their articles.  When you see Obama in text its linked but when you see McCain its not.  Yes Yahoo News like any mainstream media outlet has a bias to get "their boy" elected.

  3. Yahoo has some kind of politically correct hang up, so don't make disparaging remarks, even in jest, don't use the N-word, don't say anything critical about 'g**s' or call them by some of the common terms used in referring to alternate life styles.

    You can however disparage Democrats, Republicans , thieves, rapists, murderers, abortionists and other minorities Yahoo considers fair game.

  4. i don't think so. they are fair and balanced.

  5. Very noticeable left wing bias. I actually compare their headlines with MSN, (also left leaning) and at least find more neutral stories on MSN.

    Funny how the left get their political points of view from the likes of Comedy Central, MTV and Yahoo....

  6. Seriously?

  7. Of course they do, they are based in San Francisco..

  8. Absolutely, along with just about all the other media outlets.

    Then they want the Fairness act enacted if he wins.  Can you say NO FREEDOM of SPEECH!!

    Only after the election!

  9. Media bias is alive and well at Yahoo.  

  10. they put the L in liberal.

  11. They're run by Zionist who control the US. If a politican is a Jew, Yahoo loves them

  12. do you?

  13. No.  Poor cons, must be terrible going through life seeing the enemy everywhere.  Interesting that this is like they 87th time this question has been asked. One would think you could have gotten a suitable answer from one of the other 86.

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