
Does a anthropologist make alot money?

by  |  earlier

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I love the anthropology field and I have been hearing that they dont make alot of money i want to know if thats true because thats what I want to go to school for.




  1. ya. its true. I intended to be an archaeologist after i graduated. but after working as one for a while i realized I dont really like it so much that I want to work for the same amount of money I could make without a degree. so now im in the middle of a large job hunt. and it doesnt look good, i've got a degree in something most people don't even know what it is.....and a low gpa, no internship

  2. hahaha... money?!?!

    anthros dont goto school for $$, gotta just love what you do!

  3. Only the rich ones.

  4. if you are money hungry then no anthropology is not for you.  but if you want to do something you love then go for it.  unfortunately you will have to have a masters or doctorate to begin making anything at all.  and that is mostly as a teacher.

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