
Does aloe vera help cure pimples?

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I am having a lot of pimples on my forehead, I've tried Nuteen Pimple Cream, but it didn't help. It just made it worst. What should I do, and does aloe vera help cure my pimples? Please help me, thank you so much!




  1. Its good for a lot of things but I have never heard of it helping with Acne

  2. go to   i have been using Dan's products for over a year and have had exceptional results.  read EVERYTHING on his site.  I have never seen such positive results for such a large number of people.  and no aloe probably wont give you good results.

  3. This don't help pimples. this only helps scars. try stop eating greasy foods, chilly foods.

  4. Yep, Have tried it personally. It sooths the skin surface!

  5. No, if it did, there wouldn't be so many people that have acne,

    black heads and pimples on their face. Aloe Vera is better used for when you burn yourself. If your skin gets burned from the sun, then use plain old stinky Vinegar to help relieve the burn. Never put anything greasy on a burn because it holds the heat inside instead of relieving it.

    The best thing you can do is to purchase hypoallergenic skin care products and if you wear makeup, make sue it is also hypoallergenic. Some of the best lines of skin care and make up products can easily be found at CVS, Walgreens, Super Wal-Mart and Super Target. You don't have to pay the costly department store prices because they also make the types of

    makeup found in pharmacies and at the big box chain stores.

    A few of the brands of skin care (and makeup, as well) are made by Almay, Neutrogena and Physicians' Formula. All three of these lines have been Dermatologist tested and are approved for teenage, as well as mature skin problems.

    One thing to remember is that you need to apply only non-oily products to your face and the items need to be PH balanced so they don't upset the balance of your skin. Less irritation is controlled if you purchase hypoallergenic, sensitive skin care


    Another thing that is very, very important is that you wear a good sunscreen of at least 30 SPF to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays from the sun. If your skin tans or burns, it is going to make all areas exposed to the sun really old, dry and leathery looking later on in your life. All of the brands that I have mentioned above were brands that my Dermatologist told me that were safe to use on any kind of skin.

    And do not put your hands on your face because you will be transferring more oil to your face. Try to keep your hair off of your face, too, because it can also deposit more oil onto your skin which is what you are trying to constantly remove.

    Acne is an infection of bacteria and pus combined. Never, ever pick at pimples because if you have cystic acne, you will probably have scars. If you feel like you must do something to some of these pimples, go to the area of one of the stores I mentioned and either buy lances to help prick the pimples so they can drain or buy a blackhead remover. I see these items in the aisles along with nail trimmers, eyelash curlers and the

    tweezers, whereever the store sells small personal care items. The lances are sometimes closer to where Diabetic products are sold.

    Use a lance to prick the pimple and start using a cotton ball thoroughly coated in alcohol to help the pimple drain. You can

    apply a little pressure, but do not start squeezing it.

    The brands I have mentioned are not available in the Dollar General or Dollar Tree stores though. Most of the products start at about $6.00 and go up to perhaps around $18.00. But skin care is usually somewhere in between those prices.

    Any time you are cleasing your skin, remember not to use too much scrub on your face as it can actually cause a lot more irritation. Twice a week should be plenty of time to use scrub. You may additionally want to buy a pore tightening mask to use two or three times a week, as well.

    Plus you will also need either rubbing alcohol or witch hazel if you don't want to use a skin toner. You should always try to

    wash your face with a soft cloth using a non-soapy cleanser with warm water. Rinse off all cleanser with cool water to help

    close your pores. Then put your toner on some clean cotton balls to remove anything that your cleanser might have left behind. This will also help close up your pores, as well. Then follow up with a non-oily moisturizer, using only upward types of strokes on your skin. It is not good to pull downward on your

    face as this will eventually cause your skin to sag or become wrinkled.

    Make sure to clease your face thoroughly every single day and if you are going out in the sun, be sure to put on some sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before you go out. It helps to prevent sunburn and premature wrinkling of your skin. I use

    Neutrogena's Dry-Touch SPF 70 Sunblock with Helioplex since I have ivory skin that gets easily irritated and burned.

    Whatever you do, do nor buy Proactiv. Jessica Simpson gets paid to advertise it, but with her money, I can guarantee you that she has a very expensive Dermatologist and/or a very expensive Cosmetic Surgeon on the speed dial of her cell phone. All of my doctors have said that Proactiv stuff is too strong, it isn't PH balanced and it usually aggravates skin, especially if you have combination skin or sensitive skin.

    For pretty close to the same amount of money, you can buy the brands I have listed above and they will not make your acne any worse. It is fine if you want to combine the brands, but normally products work a little bit better when you use the same brand of skin care products.

    If you wear makeup, Almay makes several non-oily brands that are good, Neutrogena makes some nice Mineral Wear products that are really good for your skin and Physicians' Formula probably has the biggest line of Mineral Wear Skin Products which help to hide imperfections on your face.

    For extra oil control or to dry up a pimple, buy some Clean & Clear or Clearasil and dab it directly on your pimples. Any product that contains Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide is normally what Dermatologists told me to use on my face. If you try all of the brands that state that they are gentle to your skin and don't see any improvement, then you might want to check with a Doctor to see if he or she will write a script for some Tetracycline, either in pill form or in lotion form. If you can get both, then your skin should look great!!  

    Best of luck to you and I hope that this helps.   ☺

  6. Sometimes pimples get worse before they get better

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