
Does anybody else feel this way?

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Just believe in God and that's it.

I mean I feel as though I can't trust the bible since there are so many different branches of Christianity and so many different bibles it's not even funny. And I feel church is just a waste of time (sorry if I offend anybody but this is how I feel)

I do think there is a God, but its just if you tell me a story from the bible and try to apply it to real life, I just think it is a bunch of bull. And then when I try to ask questions I get the "only God knows".

(you don't know how tired I get hearing that excuse for not answering my questions)

So I just feel there is a God and that's it. Nothing more.

Anybody else feel this way or kinda feel this way to?




  1. Yes, that's what I believe.  I stopped being a Christian and became a deist.

  2. Are you saying if a person existed as our awesome Lord God Jesus Christ did with His awesome personality you can't see people treating Him the way He was treated? I personally only go by the KJV, I feel all the others are watered down so to speak. But if you want to experience the supernatural characteristics of the Holy Bible and help you with your unbelief you need to do certain things:

    You have to remember the Holy Bible is not like any other Book on the face of this planet, it is a Supernatural Spiritual Book. And it contains Spiritual Truths, so you need to get yourself as quiet and calm and relaxed as possible by dwelling on your idea of Jesus and visualize Him standing with His arms stretched out to you. Then after you let the peace of God rule in your heart then ask God the Father Jehovah to send His Holy Spirit to interpret the True meaning of His Word to you. Then begin to slowly read, and focus on His Word and letting the Peace of God rule in your heart. Do not try to interpret what you read and in His good time the Holy Spirit will give you Revelation knowledge of it's True meaning. The reason God speaks to us in a small still voice is so we have to get ourselves quiet and still to hear Him, that is the atmosphere He chooses to work in.

    Joh:4:24: God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    Remember the Cross is a positive sign (+) a sign for us to be positive.

    Take care and may God bless you spiritually.

  3. No, I cannot say I feel that way.  I have moved beyond feelings to understanding and enlightenment.  I know the Bible is real too.  Sure there are many different ones and each try to tell the same story using different words.  When translating there are many things to bring into the work, but that does not negate what is said.  As for denominations.  That is a human failing and without a true legacy of the Apostles we must trust in the people we are around.  I go to a different Church than the one I was raised.  It was hard for me until I realized that the message was still the same.  That is like saying you will not listen to music because of all the variations.  Some like only one kind and others another.  Some like many different kinds, but the core must remain intact.

    Knowing there is a God is good.  Heck even the Devil knows that.  You must work out your salvation with fear and trembling.  The Bible shows you the way and if you remove it that makes for a harder road.  You have heard the word and you must either accept Christ as Lord or reject him.

    But do not lose hope.  Keep praying and I know God will work things through for you.  God sent the Spirit into the world and you are not alone.  Good luck in your journey.

  4. Sounds fair to me.

    You're well on your way to developing your own genuine philosphy on Life, the universe and are THINKING.

    I admire and respect that.

  5. No I have faith and hope that there shall be a doctrine that at least bring the doctrine for the saved

  6. I think believing in anything is hard for most people. We do not trust by our very nature. When we were kids and our parents told us not to touch something hot so we wouldn't get burned, most of us had to do it at least once to make sure that it was true. And even the next time we were told the same thing we still did not have to believe it, we knew it was true! So I think the first thing is that believing in something that we can not find the truth in for ourselves is a bit difficult.

    I understand your frustration with the bible. I once read it and even thought I did understand a good deal of it but there was so much that seemed too far out and even contradictory so I get why it is a challenge for some people to take the bible as literal. What I found for myself later on was that it was not written for us to be able to understand from the condition we are in now. One has to come to develope a way to understand it. So again, its not a stretch to see why we struggle with that either.

    So what DO we do? We feel a need to think that there is a God and we even want to know about Him and where He is and why He operates like He does and a million other questions that don't seem to have any answers. We must search for them for ourselves and there is a method in which we can do that.

    If you are interested in learning how you can discover for yourself about God and the bible and all those other hard life questions that we have, here is a link to a great place to get started. I hope it helps you find what you are looking for. Best wishes.

  7. No I believe the Bible is God's word and have no problem with it.

  8. If you are unsure - then why even believe in God. I mean, if he exists then he should be aptly described in a certain way - and one of those ways could be to punish you if you dont believe in him in that certain way pursuant to Commandments 1-3. Therefore, just beleiving in him without believing in the way he is described could be contravention of commandments 1-3 and therefore, even though you feel belief, you will god to h**l.

    For my part, I can tell you that God does not logically exist - so this is a moot point anyway.  

  9. You're free to think and to believe. Your feeling is in accordance with the new age movements and they have many followers also. But my advice is read the bible without any prejudice .. I mean read the whole bible and then you decide with a clear mind.

  10. There is hope! I see signs of intelligent beings on this planet after all.

  11. The original Bible was written so that people 2000 years ago could understand it. Just look for connections, for instance when Noah built the ark to use during the great Flood, could that have been the meltdown of the Ice age? And the creation of the Earth, during the first few lines of Genesis, it comes in the right scientific order. Just open your mind and find scientific links from the Bible, I mean, if the bible was written scientifically perfect and precise with words that no one of that time would understand, no one would know what it meant. Jesus spoke in parables so his disciples could understand Him, so maybe the rest of the Bible was written similarly. As I said, open your mind.

  12. But why do you feel that way?

    Are you actually any different than the person who wonders about something but concludes that "only God knows"? Saying "only God knows" is a lot like saying "and that's it; nothing more." In both cases isn't the person saying that there is no further reason that humans can understand?

    You might be interested in learning about the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. I think he reached a conclusion similar to what you are saying here.  

  13. I congratulate you for thinking about it for yourself rather than just believe what you are told to believe.

    It's natural for people to want to believe in something bigger than themselves.  But as you point out, once you decide you believe God exists, you can't say for sure that you know much more than that.

    It seems to me that if God exists, it's his deliberate plan to hide from us.  I mean he could easily just appear in the sky and tell us stuff and then there would be no question.  Instead he gives us the curiosity and intellectual capacity to learn for ourselves, and leaves us to it.  

    People who just -have to know- make up doctrines to fill the gap.  But doctrines are man-made, so they're kind of useless.  The people who tell you what you -must- believe don't really know any more about it than you do yourself.

    I love the Bible just on the level of literature.  But I think if the Creator of the Universe really wanted to talk to us, to lay out his plan, to tell us how we fit in, he could do better than a diverse collection of writings written over several thousands of years, full of ambiguities, inconsistencies, and downright contradictions, and of which the best and most authentic copies we have are translations of translations.

  14. They are called non-denominational or Deists.

  15. Hallelujah. Some common sense. Have a cookie.

    Please keep in mind that the Christians may be correct. Same with the Athiests. Same with the Flying Spaghetti monster worshippers. We don't fully understand God, and anyone might be right.

  16. How old are you?

    Try going through some real life experiences and find out who is better to lean on in the end....God, or this world?

    God is always the answer...but you have to search for Him with an open heart and open mind and one'll see everything you've been looking for.  That i promise.

  17. That is why it says, "Study to show yourself approved".  We are responsible to learn what is right, not for someone to tell us.  It is so very important that you study and learn so that you will truly know what is right.  Once you do, you will not have to wonder.  

    I go to church every Sunday and on Wednesday evenings because I know it is what God wants.  I know I am saved from the wrath of God because I have done what I was commanded to do to be accepted before God on judgment day.  

    There are over 38,000 different Christian divisions, yet I know that the church I go to is the right one because I have studied and made sure that they are doing correctly.  

    Don't give up and stay home because that is against the teachings.  The Bible tells us "not to forsake the gathering of the saints together on the first day of the week" and to meet to partake of the Lord's Supper each Sunday as well as give, sing, pray and study the scriptures.  

  18. it is your belief to do so as you believe, what I would like to know is at what point did you start to believe this?   However, Revelations 21:8 tells us a basic truth to us all and if you and anyone (me too) feel that there is only God well you know where our own understanding will lead us to;  Jn. 3:16 mentions Jesus and why He was given to us; and if you still maintain on "I just feel there is a God and that's it. Nothing more"  well try this one---Romans 10:13 and 1Jn. 1:9  

  19. thats the way

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