
Does anybody know about eczema??

by Guest58127  |  earlier

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Are there many different types of eczema?

All throughout elementary and junior high school everybody said that eczema was just itchy skin with rashes....But I have actually cracks and sores. They are on my hands, feet and sometimes my knees and elbows.......

Does anybody know how to help sooth the skin so it can heal faster?

I live in a dry climate were the summers are well dry and the winters are just cold and no moisture. (Alberta...) And the sudden temperature changes doesn't help my skin either. My hands and feet will be healing and doing great but then always there is a sudden temp. change and all my creaming and work goes down the drain.

I sometimes get embarrassed about my hands because everybody sees them all the time, or they are always asking questions--ever since I was in preschool!!

I need some help from people who have experienced what I have and maybe have a few ideas to share!

Please help---this whole eczema thing has been going on since I was 2 years old and I am soooo sick of it!!




  1. well, you probably wont listen to me but if you go to

    they have been around for 28 years.  i work arbonne as my home business and ALL of their products are specifically designed to work for people with skin conditions like you.

    i can almost guarantee it would clear your problem.

    Good Luck!

  2. lotion helps. I had horrible eczema all over my legs when i was in eighth grade (I'm a sophomore in high school now). it was so bad that it would start bleeding even if someone just ran their fingernail over it. it was so sore and red and horrible! i now use lotion or aloe vera after i shave to keep my skin healthy.

    that being said...aloe vera is amazing and you might try that.

    have you been to see a dermatologist? a lot of times they will be able to help you. there are a lot of topical creams that you can only get by prescription.

    i hope this helps!!

  3. I have the same exact problem as you do. What has helped out for me is the Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion (fragrance free).

    Try changing your detergent and fabric softener to scent and dye free and use the lotion after you wash your hands and before going to bed. I keep a bottle in my room and bathroom so I won't forget.

  4. I have had eczema since I was a baby (im 19) and I know how you feel, Its very annoying. Within the last year it got really bad, but I have started to control it now. Like you, I get eczema all over my body, but mainly on my elbows and joint areas.

    The best advice I can give you is to go see your doctor and seek a recommendation on creams, I'm not sure if over the counter creams will work as good or if they're available for that matter. Also I found that using baby soap made a huge difference, because for some reason my skin reacts to other soap

    Hope this helps

  5. I have eczema. i've had it since... well, for as long as i can remember. what my dermatologist told me to do is avoid products that contain glycerin. there is also a product called "GlyTone" it's a hand cream that you can get at a dermatologists office (its not prescription, but its recommended by docs) its water based and its actually really good.. avoid sticking your hands in dishwater- or other prolonged exposure to water... I get cracks and sores too. What makes it worse is that I work at a ski resort and i have to handle cold, snowy skis 8 hours a day. it sucks!!! the snow makes it feel better for a while, but ultimately it gets worse!!!

    the best advice that i can offer:

    cetaphil hand cream and soap

    glytone hand cream (put it on at night and wear gloves to sleep)

    and stop feeling so self-conscious! it happens to a lot of people!!

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