
Does anybody like the name marieka?

by  |  earlier

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for a girl




  1. No, it's too open for mispronounciation.

  2. Its okay. But Ive seen other names that are cuter.

  3. I think it's kind of pretty.

    I like Mariah better, but Marieka is still nice.

  4. I'm sorry, but I don't like it.

  5. I would say about a 6

  6. I don't even know how to pronouce it and that turns me off from it right away. I think Marie is okay or Kayleigh but Marieka? No thanks.

  7. Yes. It's pretty and not overused. =)

  8. It's not my favorite name although i don't hate it by any means. Just not one of my top ones.

  9. its okay but not my fave

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