
Does anyone agree?

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That when giving advice about s*x, most people always say 'if your boyfriend loves you then he'll wait for you'

But what about if the girl wants to, and doesn't WANT to wait until she's married or w/e ?

I'm not being critical cos I think I do it myself..




  1. if the girl wants to have s*x with her boyfriend than she shouild if they are both ready.

  2. Yeah I know. There are people who are together for years and not married and what if your with your boyfriend for a year or something you might want to have s*x. There's nothing wrong with s*x before marriage as long as your responsible. I think you should be close enough with more than 5 guys before marriage to have s*x with that many but if you had s*x with say 2 other guys before you met your husband it's okay.

    I don't believe in underaged s*x though because it's sick when 16 year olds are pregnant but that's just my opinion and at those ages you are not mature enough to be responsible

  3. those are the answers for the girls who ask "i don't know if i should have s*x with my boyfriend, he wants to but i'm not sure"

    if the girl says she's ready, they don't give those type of answers!

  4. I agree!

    I know i'm not gonna wait till i'm married....thats wayyy too long lol.

    but i'm not gonna let a guy pressure me into doing it...i'll do it with him when we both feel like it =]

  5. I believe if two people love each other.... They both should try to wait till marriage but if they can't wait they have to be ready for the consequences.

  6. Well, that's when the couple will talk about s*x and make that decision together, while being supportive of each other's needs.

    It's just as bad if a girl is pressuring a guy into having s*x. If you love each other, you'll respect each other's wants.

  7. it goes both ways. If they guy wants to wait and you don't , respect his wishes and find a guy who is on the same wavelength as you.

  8. if they are both ready then they should do it

  9. then talk to him about it. its yours twos business and s*x life not ours.

    just use protection.

  10. Either way whether it is the boy or the girl you need to respect eachother's wishes. There are so many people that say "I love you" but what that love isn't strong enough to make it through if they have to keep their pants on for a little while longer. What they should say is my p***s or v****a is lusting after you. Wouldn't that be more truthful? Love means doing whatever it takes to be with a person, regardless of whether or not you are getting any in the sack!

  11. I agree that such advice is common and unhelpful, and that it does not help those boys being pressured by girls (these situations are not a one size fits all)

  12. Well most of the time, a girls problem is "he's pressuring me into s*x" and that's when I can see someone answering with "if he loves you, he'll wait" and I do believe that. I don't really know what you're asking, but I think that if she wants to, and doesn't want to wait, and the same with him, they should be very careful, and make sure they're not making a dumb decision. So many people just go out and have s*x with whoever because they listen to their bodies instead of their minds.

  13. Just wait a month.  That is the standard time.

  14. i totally agree and if you dont want to wait it's your choice it's no one else's choice exept yours
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