
Does anyone agree with this...

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you shouldn't trust reality because it's only a collective theory

i thought about this and it really makes sense




  1. reality is just something people use to blame for all of their problems

  2. you should trust your intuition...

    reality is indeed merely a perception...

  3. Hmmmm...Is reality real?

    I would have to say yes - although I'm not sure if my interpretation of it is accurate - like you say it's what is really there converted into electronic impulses.

  4. reality depends on the observor.....  

  5. When did you join the club?

    I was thrown out for not believing in their collective ideology, at the time.

  6. The next time you feel like eating, don't do it!   In fact, don't ever eat anything again!   The hunger pangs you will feel, are merely what collective theory wants you to believe.  Also, you should never wear a coat in sub zero temperatures, or ever see a doctor for any perceived ailment.  It is ALWAYS the mere power of suggestion of course.  How is the chip THEY planted in your head?    

  7. we can trust reality because it's real

    you can't live in a dream or fantasy forever  

  8. Reality IS the only thing that can be trusted.

    The problem is that most people (the collective) exist outside of it.

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