
Does anyone believe in a Medium?

by  |  earlier

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Let me explain for those who do not comprehend this....

A John Edwards.




  1. In recent years, I'm believing in an Extra-Large.

    Sorry, I couldn't resist the straight line.

    I've never seen any incontestable evidence supporting the claims various mediums have made. Their abilities should appear when tested under controlled conditions, but they do not.  Their vague wordings about various things they could not know except through psychic abilities seem a lot like horoscopes, applicable to real life if you read a lot into them, because the terms are so broad.

    (I swear, bodies found "near water" does not mean you get to yell "Bingo!" when a body is found near a rusted-out water heater.)

    I see only one conclusion which can be drawn. Until mediums offers specifics which prove true, in controlled conditions, I can't believe there is such an ability.

  2. Yes and no. That's hard to answer for many reasons.

  3. No verifiable evidence.  Until then, i consider it bogus.

  4. Hello

    Yes I believe in Mediums.


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