
Does anyone else clean just because?

by Guest65972  |  earlier

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Like my room was never really cluttered or anything but I really had this sudden urge to clean.

Like I went into super cleaning mode. Washed the windows, swept, polished my hardwood floors, dusted everything I even swiffered my walls, lol.

I still have to wash my curtains, but it was raining so I couldn't hang them outside even if I did. d**n!

Anyone else feel like this?




  1. I like to clean, so, yes.  Even if my room is clean, sometimes I just reorganize my things.  It makes me feel better and more interested in my living space.

  2. Neh.... Guess you are a homie girl and trained to be in that way in your childhood time.  Me, born to go outside and do not spend much time at home even I got test when I was young I would rather study at library than at home.

        But it is so interesting to see people with similar behavior from work whose hands are always moving and cleaning while chatting. My parents in law are like you.  But they just keep house look clean and sparkless behind the garage or is kind unmethodical or no system at all once they try to find something.  It takes a long long while for them to ring the bell.

         Now with kids, I have to clean if I saw they made a mass. Or I would rather spent the same amount of time to enjoy a piece of quiteness of life or on my interests.

         Do you have any other hobbies than just cleaning?  

  3. No ...I only clean when my outlaws are coming to dinner ...then I do a big clean .. either that or I throw all my junk in the car .. and drive it into the garage.. away from prying eyes  !!... when they `re gone I get it out again ....

  4. Heck by the way...since your in the mood come to my Casa, and clean

  5. I get those "urges" when I feel like I'm in the middle of a crisis and just after "that time of the month".  Not sure why - but I just feel like cleaning/ re-arranging things is what I need to do and can't get past the urge.

  6. I wish!

    I did go into cleaning mode in the last weeks before my baby was born.

    We clean the whole house every weekend weather we feel like it or not.

    I do have to say I love it when the house spotless (well for a few hours at least. It's hard to keep a house spotless with a dog, cat and baby around)

    If your urge is not satisfied when you're finished with your house, you're more than welcome to drop by mine ;)

  7. Yes,  and I read once that when other areas in our lives are out of control we will often clean because this is one area we can control.

  8. Yes. That happens to me sometimes.

    I wake up and feel this urge to organize. I end up finishing so many chores in one day. Too bad I don't know what triggers it so I cannot summon that side of me at will.

    I have a theory though. I think that often happens near (before or after) my monthly period. Maybe I'm nesting.

    LOL! It's nice to now that I'm not alone.

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