
Does anyone else dislike this?

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Does anyone hate all aspects of working in the office? I do!! Everything from waking up in the morning, getting dressed because you have to find something at least half descent to wear every morning, spending money on the commute to work whether it be driving or public transport, playing nice and building fake relationships with your co-workers who really are your worse enemies, dealing with people in the office who have poor hygiene or don't pick up after themselves, thinking about what to pack or buy during lunch and you have to go within a specific timeframe, and more! does anyone feel the same? I'm naturally not an antisocial person, but in an office, socialization is really just bs if you think about it. I think a work at home job would suit me better. What do you all think of all this?




  1. yeah i hate that c**p, i was doing accounting and quit to do medicine because of the boring crappy lame sucky people.

    oh sorry thats mean, but i understand where you are coming from.

    maybe you could look into working from home? have you talked to your superior?

    or you could be like me and change course completely.

    Ive never looked back!

    oh except to say hahahahaha to all those sucky people who had no brains sat on there computer looking up orn and wasting the companys money.

  2. You're thinking too much and not realizing what a beautiful world out there is with friends and other people.

    You have to have a smile in your face each morning at work to make friends. A smile makes many friends each day.

    Think like that and you'll be fine.

    Hope this helps.

  3. YESSS! omg i hate having to answer to people that are higher than you and that your making money for the big shots and your not getting squat for your hard work and that you have to build these sucky work relationships other wise they will make your work life h**l. I also wish I could work form home but theres no legit ones out there :( or I had the money to open my own business,

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