
Does anyone else wish that...?

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fast food restauraunts wouldn't waste so much?

(Napkins, ketchup packets, bags, etc)

I rarely go to a fast food place, but they put SO MUCH stuff in the bag it's rediculous. I always feel guilty.

Does anyone else feel this way?




  1. omg u r so right! at my school they have a new policy that every child must take a milk wherther they will drink it or not. yesterday i saw atleast 20 milks in a trash can. what a waste. the thing is, it makes no sence! wouldnt they loose money from giving away so much? wouldnt they want to save it! it would help them and the envireonment to giv 2 napkins instead of 12.

  2. I agree what you say in your fast food restauraunts, you are bound to have too many napkins and ketchups packets and bags because they are useless people who are working at fast food restauraunts. Its not good for us humans to carry so many of them and I only have fast food stuff only once a month.

  3. most of them are saving money(and addressing your complaint) by not putting any condiments in the bag unless you ask for them & usually only 2 paper napkins.

  4. what?

    they can recycle stuff.

    im so confused at what your even trying to say.

    are you trying to say that they waste so much stuff as in paper and stuff that hurts the enviroment?

    then they can just recycle.

  5. well that a wonderful point u hve raised... i think they should b recycled... n they should giv the packs n napkins according 2 our needs....

  6. Make it clear when you order that if they overdo these things it will be the last time you do business there this year. Then be prepared to  stay away for a year.

    There is nothing else that gets the message to them.

  7. Actually McDonald's started a policy quite some years ago that they would no longer freely put condiments in the bag due to wastefulness.  You have to REQUEST it now to get it.   I do understand what you mean though..just had a fast food place put about 12 napkins in my bag the other day..guess I looked sloppy or something.  I always take home whatever I don't use for my meal (napkins, ketchup, etc.)

  8. most drive thru restaurants ask you what you would like for condiments if you don't ask most times they don't put any in, I have never had that much stuff put into my drive thru orders most times they even ask if I want napkins.Bird Girl had good points.Actually I will go into a fast food to get the ketchup packets if I know I'm going on a hike so I can have ketchup on my hot dog on the bonfire instead of bring out a bottle(and I do pack out the plastic packages not burn them)

  9. I completely agree.  The waste they produce is unnecessary.  And even if it is recycled (which most things aren't), recycling is not as good for the environment as just simply reducing waste.  Recycling does not use the entirety of whatever you are recycling, a lot goes to waste.  Sure, it is better than throwing it out, but reducing is much better.  I rarely go to fast food places either, it is normally gross and pretty wasteful.

  10. Like everything else stop gripping and use them up at home that's called waste not.I personally have never been to any fast food place that gave you too much extras we always have to ask for them.At our house we save them up and take them along camping,but this year haven't eaten out much so far.

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