
Does anyone have experience with tendonitis?

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How long does it last? What do you do to make it better?




  1. I have that in my knee. It's very hard to get rid of. You really need to strenghen where ever it is and stretch.  

  2. I have (had) tendinitis in my wrist. The doctor told me it would never fully go away without surgery. I do NOT want surgery on my wrist so they gave me this awesome wrist brace. When my wrist starts to act up, I wear the brace for a few days and it (the pain and swelling) goes away. I go through phases a couple of times a year.

    It will depend on where you are experiencing your tendinitis and the extent of your injury.

  3. Tendonitis is something you really have to let heal on its own. I had it bad for a while when I was in high school because I was growing so fast. It gets better, mine lasted for probably around a month and some. It comes on and off, one day you won't notice it and the next your legs are stiff and sore. It can be painful, but there is nothing you can really do, although for some icing and heat could help ease.  

  4. I have Tendonitis in both elbows. I take an Anti-inflamatory for them.  See a doctor, if it is an early case sometimes a cortizone injection will clear it up. If it's a cronic condition like mine I wear forearm bands and take Naproxin Tablets daily and do fine. Either way see a doctor.

  5. I have just got back from the doctors with the same problem, she gave me some strong anti-inflammatory's and some strong pain killers to help make it comfortable. I was told to rest it and apply deep heat cream to it if desired. But i was told that it could take up too six weeks for everything to start feeling better. She also told me to try and be mobile if i can as it will help with the recovery.

    I hope this helps.

  6. take an anti-inflammatory like aleve as directed on the will keep the swelling down and help with pain

  7. My friend has it and I think you kind of have it forever. She found out she had it like 3 years ago, but she still suffers pain from it whenever she runs outside. She runs on a treadmill or indoor track instead of outside because she can't run on uneven ground without having it hurt. Good luck with that!

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