
Does anyone know anything about convicts?

by  |  earlier

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I am doing a school report/assignment thing...

I really need your help, these are some of the things we have to answer.

Life in the beginning:

-Living conditions

-Work done on the arrival in Australia



-Work done


-Equality of woman

-Living standards

Effects of changes:

social: effects of changes on society(woman more active role)

Economic: Did the county prosper? Did individuals become wearing?

Political: Who made the decisions, type of government.



-Ability to survive during hard times


-Contributions by convicts

I know its alot but i just don't understand it please help with all you can.... I'm not too sure when its due but i need to do it please please help me... if you do you will be saving my life... xoxox

Thank you so much in advance.




  1. Uh, look it up. Cite your sources. Besides, this isn't about any old convicts,it's a specific incident of a penal colony established by Britain.

  2. u have a computer?

    look it up.

  3. You don't even know when it's due?

    I would suggest you pay attention during lessons

    What does the question "Did individuals become wearing?" mean.?

    If you don't understand the question - then ask someone at your teaching institute.

    Just paraphrasing it to this forum  merely reinforces my opinion that young people of today are they're all fairly thick - and completely unable to think for themselves.

    Don't expect to get 10 points!!!!!

  4. i only know a few convicts.

    two bank robbers, several s*x offenders,  and brandon mcinerney.  well, he hasn't yet been convicted.  but he will be.

  5. i know about convcts but not from australia

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