
Does anyone know if...?

by Guest62209  |  earlier

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Does anyone know if olympic taekwondo is being televised?




  1. The TKD Olympics are being held Aug. 19-23, but they have not yet announced the channels on which they will be shown. Judo will also be on after TKD :-)!

  2. Depends on what country you are in.  US,  But TKD won't be on the TV, it will be online and don't start until August 20.

  3. I'm sure somebody knows.

  4. The last Olympic games they didn't televise the TaeKwonDo, and I was pissed. Looking at their schedules they say they are going to this time, but I doubt it.

    This is at least a little help

  5. go to the olypics website it tells you when everything is on.

  6. supposedly all the olympic events are being televised but i havent seen any judo yet and i know they have had events on sunday and monday for judo

  7. I'm sure they air at least part of it, but knowing the networks they'll do it the same as they did Juod and put it on at like 3 am or something stupid. Just have to keep an eye on the scheduling.

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