
Does anyone know much about reflexology?

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I'm all for alternative treatments. I know it's something to do with the feet but does anyone know more about it? How does it work and what do they do?




  1. There are certain pressure points on the bottom of ones feet that in old China represents the various organs, spine, nerves etc. Also on the head there is a way to press hard for like 15 seconds then slowly release as to relieve head, neck pain.  Studied reflexology in books during my new age segment of my life, still use it on my wife when needed.  Plus my mother-in-law wanted me to "put down" her dog because she could not, used reflexology on the dog for one year, and before you knew it, she was up and running.  After 1 year, my mother-in-law took the dog back and thanked me. I was really getting attached to her. Understood the female dog was hers and was just happy to to her the service.  She lived another 7 years......

  2. Please see Google search for more details on Reflexology.

  3. Yes I have had it done twice. Look at the charts of the feet. It shows where all the points in the feet lead to in the body... Reflexology is so so relaxing and it is a healing process of the body...Your feet are meridian points so every spot on your foot leads to something...It is very interesting and it does work!

    I hope this helps some(:

  4. I have had reflexology and was very skeptical about it but to my amazement it worked---lots of info on the net

  5. hey

    i was looking through the answers you got and someone said:

    "It is complete and utter nonsense and is based entirely on magical thinking," magic? - magic has nothing to do with it.

    "It was invented in the 1930`s by a woman called Eunice Ingham. It was based largely on a previous altmed practice called Zone Therapy." that is when it was bought into 'western culture' but it was invented quite a bit before that...

    i have a book on reflexology and it does appear to be quite interesting - it's a massage that you get that reflects on the rest of the body by improving the bodies health...

    in its own way it does make sense - don't worry so much about the 'chi' - i think that's just complicating it, lol...

    anyway there is no harm in trying it. This isn't accurate but the way that i think of it is that it stimulates the blood flow around the body in a way that targets certain areas of the body and helps to correct and restore the natural balance and gets the body's health working at a way better level!


  6. I know a lot about it, but will just summarize here and give you a link at the end for more information.

    Reflexology is one of the `body map`` systems of altmed.  ( a couple other common ones are iridology and auricular acupuncture)  It is related to Traditional Chinese Medicine in the sense that they believe in `chi`` (qi)...the mystical life force energy that is posited to run through people.

    They have the belief that areas on the foot connect to various other organs or parts of the body, and that by manipulating the corresponding part on the foot, one can affect the health of the related organ.

    It is complete and utter nonsense and is based entirely on magical thinking, not on anything resembling evidence.  There is no known connection between the feet and the other organs other than the usual blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics whose function and anatomy are well known.  

    It was invented in the 1930`s by a woman called Eunice Ingham.  It was based largely on a previous altmed practice called Zone Therapy.

    There is a complete lack of any credible evidence that Reflexology can diagnose or treat any diseases of any kind.  Any effects are temporary, and due to activating the very well known and understood physiology of the placebo response.  A foot massage feels nice, I admit...but it doesn`t do anything else.

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