
Does anyone know physics?

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  1. That depends on what you mean by "know" and "physics".

    There are probably a lot of people that know a lot about physics in general, and then there are people who know a lot about a very small part of physics.  

    A definition of physics might be "the science of everything".

    So, if you use that definition; we could re-state your question as:

    Does anyone know everything about everything?

    And that's a very big question!

    And, I (personally) don't know anyone who does, and I haven't heard of anyone who does.

    And that's about as close as I can come to answering yours.

    But it was a very good question.  I hope somebody can answer you.  I'll keep watching too, 'cause I want to know.

  2. Well I'm a graduate in physics and will be happy to answer any of your questions.

  3. Yes and no.

  4. Physics is something that you can and can't know. The more you know about physics, the more questions and unknown areas appear. Physics can be defined as the laws of any living, breathing, moving, or non-living object.

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