
Does anyone know what dreams mean???

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ok so i had a dream that all my teeth started falling out (gross) and i was just wondering if anyone might know what it meant. in my dream they fell out one by one and i was of coarse hysterical can someone please help it's kinda driving me crazy?




  1. There simply a distorted reflection of the thoughts, images, and events that we are experiencing in our life.  Often they mean nothing, but they also can be a indicator as to what we may do in the future or how we may react to a situation.

  2. This dream could have multiple meanings. Very often our body tells us that things are not right, and they come to us in a dream, your teeth falling out could indicate a health problem. On the other hand, our words come out of our mouth, and teeth falling out could mean that you spoke words in haste, that you wish you could take back now, but can't and your teeth falling out is your punishment because you can't be well (emotionally) if you can't eat.

  3. Words like teeth: Independence. Nourishment and communication. Seeking more power and independence.

    Words like falling: Loss of honor. Fear of failure. Loss of power and feeling out of control.

  4. try the link below and see if anything come up.

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