
Does anyone like Rabbit pie?

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Or stew.You hardly ever hear of people making it now.




  1. Too many bones

  2. Hiya busy! Rabbit is very popular over here, we eat it regularly in paella's..

  3. i never tied it. but its supose to be nice. people think its creul thats why they dont make it. but i would give it ago and where do you buy rabbit from and why hunt when you can go to tesco

  4. Yep, I love rabbit stew. I'd much rather eat a creature that has had a good life out in the wild than some poor farm animal that's been cooped up all its life, been fed hormones and then crammed into a truck with its friends and driven for hours to an abattoir before being slaughtered on a production line.

  5. Up until 10 odd years ago I'd spend 2/3 months a year in a farmhouse, rabbit was a regular food, the land was overrun  with them. It's a combination of townies and wealth that it's not popular now.

  6. I enjoy a good rabbit stew.

    Also like to brown the rabbit and then simmer in cream of mushroom soup for about an hour.  

  7. I don't eat meat anymore, and hearing about rabbit stew and pigeon pie makes me think I made the right choice lol! I know someone who cooked his neighbours rabbit after it was killed by a dog and made a stew out of it, that just made my stomach turn!

  8. I've never tried rabbit. My mum used to cook it for my Dad when I was tiny and they were together, he used to catch it and she would cook it for him. She said the smell of it cooking put her off, but I don't remember.

    I'll give anything a go once though, how can you find out if you like something if you haven't tried it!?!

  9. that is disgusting. how gross and ewww lol i respect what people eat but in my opinion..thats just downright nasttyyy!

  10. Never had it.  But then again I don't live in the South.

  11. Yep I love it and stew I make loads throughout the winter months my hubby's favourite dinner and it absolutely must have dumplings he just loves dumplings.

  12. I've had rabbit stew a few times and it was delicious.  Likewise braised pigeon.  The best braised pigeon I ever had was in Caceres in Spain (or is it Portugal) and it still makes my mouth water to think of it...

  13. Yes I did eat it, but it is not as nice as snake stew. Rabbit happens to have been a really good food source for people over the centuries.  

  14. eww i would never eat that, why the heck woould anyone want too. Execpt in China, where everything is made(lol)

  15. You really have got to be very very careful when cooking rabbit pie. The reason in this is that if you don't have bunny's head above the crust when it comes out of the oven you'll find the little blighters only gone and drank all the gravy... Thank u

  16. how could you eat Thumper?

    you sick sick woman


    I'm shocked to the core

  17. I prefer a ladies pie--but each to their own.

  18. I like Bambi. My uncle used to bring us some fresh venison, that was lovely.

    Never tried Thumper though.

  19. Oh my gosh no !

    Never eat anything with fur. It's wrong.

    They used to make good use of Rabbit during the wars, due to the food shortages and rations. FORTUNATELY we don't have to do that now.

    UGH. poor bunnys ! >:)

  20. I'd give it a go.

  21. Yummy, tastes just like chicken pie and I doubt most people could tell the difference!

    The pigeons ate by your gran were not the street vermin but white collared or wood pigeon, also tasty!

  22. never tasted it, don't think i would like to either.

  23. Did anyone read my BA to Haz's Q about pet names?

  24. this wabbit looks good enough to eat so

    back off.

    my mother used to cook it but i refused

    to eat it, never had pigeon either.

  25. I eat rabbit frequently. As someone said, it has quite a lot of bones, but I just pick it up with my fingers and eat it. It's great on the BBQ. All the supermarkets where I live sell rabbit.

    When I was young I used to catch woodpigeons and eat them. They have strong meat and too much isn't good for you.

  26. Yes but I think that it is better roasted, we can still buy it whole roasted in Cyprus.

    Pickled or roasted Quail & pigeon are equally delicious, likewise Partridge, Teal, Plover and Snipe.


    Mrs. GC Thumper is only the auderve ....... Bambi is the main course!

    The Mad Hatter was a Hare!

    A bit rich, needs to be in a red wine marrinade for a couple of days.


    Mrs GC at YOUR AGE I am surprised that anything would shock you.

  27. yes, rabbit pie is delicious, so is stew of any kind,  also very tasty  

  28. My mum made it for us once, but then we couldn't eat it.

    You see it alot on holiday ~ poor countries, Turkey etc.

    rabbit, rabbit, rabbit,

  29. Last year I was on work experience in Spain and there was a buffet style evening meal at the hotel we were staying at.

    The dishes all have cartoon style drawings next to them to explain what they were.  For example, the pork had a cute little pig pink, the fish had a pic of a Nemo style fish and the rabbit had a cute ickle bunny rabbit beside it.

    Needless to say I ate a lot of salad over the three weeks I was away for

  30. rabbit? I suppose it tastes like chicken. unfortunately for me it reminds me of that mad bunny boiler in fatal attraction.

    No, the mad hatter wasn't a rabbit or a hare. you're thinking of the march hare?

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