
Does anyone like my poem?

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Wilds Within

By: Michelle R. Tacheny

Misted tree tops show your signs

But used only as a shield and to blind

Beneath lay shelves of rock

Tattered by emotions and ill-given talk

To find the way to be understood

Follow quiet streams into the somber wood

Tall silver Birch guard your way

Till you find the roaring river where none keep it at bay

Follow the path, steady your footing.

Emotions run wild here

But there is no harm in looking

You see quick flowing glee splashing the front and flanks

White foaming anger stays near the bank

Strong steady courage carves the path

Muddy resentment gives its full wrath

Crisp blue hope leads the way

Where your eyes follow to a calm autumn bay

Emotions here are equal and come to peace

Causing rivers, rocks, and forest lines to cease

Mountains watch the morning light

Dissolve the final remains of a rain soaked night

Here is the secluded true self many seek to find

Surrounded by perception and state of mind




  1. wow i love it! totally awesome imagery and metaphors. this poem seemed to be very well thought out and packed with truth about emotions. oh and it flows like a river LOL, really nice rhymes. itz funny cuz lately i've only been reading and enjoying poetry without rhymes just like free form, cuz alot of the rhyming stuff i've read seemed to ruin the feeling of the poem for me at least, but u did an awesome job, didn't loose the feeling at all if u know wut i mean. so yea great job, keep writing so me and yer other readers can keep enjoying!!

  2. Ya its awesome

    i really liked it bcuz of the details describing every inch of the way

    I think of niagra falls wen i read this poem

  3. interesting...very original... i like it though

  4. I like it :D

    Very creative!

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