
Does anyone take l-tryptophan ??

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i was wondering if anyone takes l-tryptophan and could tell me some more about their own experience with it? i have read articles and reviews and have read about the deaths associated with it in 1989. i was wondering if it was safer now or still has potential risks? also what dosage is correct? is it okay to buy it from the vitamin shop and take it yourself without consulting a doctor? how much should you take? ah questions, im so confused about this.




  1. We've got several hundred (if not thousands of) customers that take Tryptophan on a regular basis. It's great for helping with sleep, stress, and general relaxation.

    As far as the deaths that happened back in '89, that was actually due to a contaminated batch. The FDA overreacted and banned the product for a good decade and has only recently been allowed back on the market. There are currently no risks associated with taking Tryptophan in the recommended doses (typically around 500 mg before bed), but if you are taking any prescriptions, it's best to talk to your healthcare provider to make sure they won't interact.

    Typically with supplements, you don't need to ask a doctor if you can take it since they are supplemental (especially since most doctors don't believe that supplements work). Most drug or vitamin stores that are national brands should be a good enough quality to at least get a good product to start with. You could also shop around for good quality companies with better prices (since Tryptophan tends to be expensive).

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