
Does anyone watch Goldenballs?

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Doesn't it make you cringe how they creep all over each other then steal all the money. Pure greed that should never happen?




  1. Logically the only way NOT to lose is to steal. Why?,(a) because if your opponent splits you get all the money, whilst (b), if your opponent steals you wouldn't get any money anyway.

  2. yes, but unfortunately i think there showing old repeats. i also wonder if both people split they could at least get an equal amount of money each but as we're in a selfish world people steal and make excuses such as ' i thought he/she was going to steal' or 'i did it for my kids'. The actions of pure greed will strike them in their later lives

  3. No but my grandkids love it !

    I thought it was a programme about David Beckham !

  4. its stupid, all repeats recently. wouldnt go on it myself. propably why repeats are shown! no one wants to go on it!

  5. Any show that encourages people to lie and cheat there fellow man is a disgrace. Or, am I just becoming a grumpy old man!!!!!!!!!!


  6. i know its bad did you see the one where they only had like £5.00 and she stole it! they are so greedy

  7. Urgh that man who chose steal!

    He should never of done that

  8. The guy who hosts it is kinda funny... Des Carrott?

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