
Does asian food promote healthy living?

by Guest57053  |  earlier

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Does asian food promote healthy living?




  1. Every type/cultural food has good and bad dishes. Asian food is broad. Be more specific. Do you mean Indian, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese etc. It also covers Afghanistan, Armenia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Burma, Yemen, Turkey etc. Like I said, broad.

  2. It is the same as any other. There are good and bad food like eating mcdonalds or having a salad.

  3. Yes and No.

    "Asian Food" is too general, as there are many different kinds of food and cultures involved.

    The Japanese have traditionally a pretty low fat diet with proteins derived from things like soy beans rather than fatty beef or pork. They also eat a lot of fish.

    As with any ethnic food, choose wisely what you eat.

    Stay away from too many fried won tons and opt for the steamed fish instead.

  4. It was explained to me by a doctor that a third world diet is best because it is low in animal products and artificial things, but high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

  5. Every kind of people have their own list of healthy foods. One has to pick and balance each meal with a good mix of foods that give us the correct quantity of---carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and the required vitamins.

  6. Hello  Kakaddie...

    yes of course.. it does promote a very healthy living, as the person above  has already mentioned and besides is probably one of the best to maintain so.

  7. HOW many multi million Asians are there ????

    They even restrict families to ONE child ,,, (just China)

    they sound very healthy to me..

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