
Does beer spoil?

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We have beer unopened left over from a cookout Jun 20th. Now, it is in the fridge, cans and bottles. Can we still use it?




  1. sure or I will take it off your hands no prob!

  2. yeah you can use it

    as long as its not opened

  3. beer CAN go bad, but it usually doesn't from being in unrefrigerated closed cans and bottles for a few weeks, especially if it is just a regular old common type of beer and not some top of the line specialty beer.

    Sometimes if you let it sit in the sun and it gets really really hot, it doesn't taste as good after you cool it down in a fridge.  But it is still usually quite drinkable.

    Freezing beer and then thawing changes the way it tastes, though, I find.  And some beer does goes skunky after a time.

  4. I should think so.  Beer cans (in the UK anyway) usually have a 'best before' date.  That does not actually mean it has gone 'off' after that date, just it won't taste so good (probably).

  5. you can probably still drink it.  although it may not taste as good.

  6. yes but it might be skunked if it was cold then warm then cold again. if not then its as good as new

  7. Absolutely, it will be like the day you bought it if not opened.  Just think, it probably sat in the warehouse longer than that, and not under refrigeration.

    I might add, we owned a tavern for over six years, and have seen beer sit for over a year, warm and still good.

    Also, during the second world war, we were given beer rations that sometimes took months to arrive at the overseas base, none was under any type of refrigeration, and was very good, not "skunky  at all.  

    Draft beer, will go bad after a time if not kept cold, and under pressure, but normal bottle and canned beer has very long shelf life.

  8. it will be fine if it has  bee n refrigerated the entire time.  what makes it spoil is the changes in temp

  9. It will go bad eventually ,but it will definitely be fine if it's only 3 weeks old.  It will last for several months.
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